Reading, writing...The computer. 'Chilling' with my bestest friend.
Kurt Cobain, Robert Plant, and David Bowie.Who wouldn't want to meet them, honestly? Three of the...'Starters' of all of the music I listen to. -Nod nod-Oh, yeah, V.C Andrews, Edger Allen Poe, and William Shakespear wouldn't be too bad either.
Nirvana! Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd....THE BEATLES! 80's Euro pop. J-rock/J-pop....More I can't think of.
16 Candles, Pretty in Pink, Breakfast Club, White Oleander, The Virgin Suicides, Dirty Dancing, Bowling for Columbine...Et cetera.
White Oleander, The Virgin Suicides, Flowers in the Attic, Catcher in the Rye, Kaffir Boy...So many more that I can't remember.
Seriously, does Conan O'Brien count as a hero? I love that man...