Hello Everyone!
:) My name is Kristy and I have been creating since I was a child. Creativity fuels my days and drives my nights. That's why I coined the phrase : "Star light, Star bright, I'm creative every Night". Corny, yes, I know. hahah :) Yet very exciting!! :) I LOVE to know what people think of my ideas and creations, so if you have a moment, I would really appreciate your comments!
The name of Harmless Brat carries a lot of contrast and boldness, and I love to cute-ify everything I can get my hands on. With those attributes, I throw together designs that may hardly make any sense to wear, but just hold a lot of character and can just be FUN. I love FUNness. If anything, I just hope that some of my pieces will secretly leave impressions on you! :) *smile-makers*!
Thanks for stopping by and caring to know what I am about! I'd also like to know what you are about, so feel free to leave me notes! xoxo!