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About Me

HALLOWEEN PICTURES:Jon, Me, && Mikey. My "gangsters". lolChels, Bee, Me, Heather, && Katie. ((Logy in the background))Me && Logan*Kendy, Me, && MaeganMe && BeeMe && HeatherBee, Chels, Me, && JohnMe && LogyJared, Me && RyanMe, Heather, Lauren, Bee, Katie, && Chels.Me, Katie, Chels, Lauren, Heather, && Bee.Me && KendyThe Morning After... Not too hott, but it's me && Maegan!Once again...the next morning Me && LoganMe && Logy :-)Me, Spencer && BriannaMe && Daniel- pretty much one of the coolest guys in my class. lolMe && MorganMe && My BFF KendyMe && Miss KendylI'm not really sure... But we're having fun!! lolBaaaaaad picture* But I love er' lolOur mini mexican*Sooo long ago.Yo. Lol.Kendy paying attention as always.Me and Kendy && the coolest coach EVER!!Me, Kendy, and Court!!Me and my 233*That's my girl... On the phone of course... lolOn the way to a game*Me and Kendy at my houseMe and my HOT ladies* Love you guys!!We perdy much live at Los Rancheros... It's my 3rd home... Kendy's being the 2nd. lolBefore a volleyball game... We're pimped out in the charter busses this year bitches. lolKayKay, Shaun... Cross eyes... lol And me!Our usual waiter. lol We love him. His name is Omar.Last week at... LOS RANCHEROS of course!! Chips and cheese, a favorite must there.Covington, KayKay, Shaun, MeBefore the football jamoree. All sportin' AHS volleyball bitches.Ladies lookin' good playin' putt-puttMe, Karli, && RachelMe && Rachel (Fine Ass Girls)

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