I love making music. Nothing can describe my interest to wards music. Especially hip hop. I see it as my bread and butter. I don't like peeps that goes to club and shit. Bad vibes. Note : I don't hate them (most of my friends go to clubs), I just don't like it. I also hate girl that don't listen to their man when they've got a point, especially when it concerns their safety.
Nas, Lupe Fiasco, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Krazie Bone, Jedi Mindtricks, Jay-Z, Melodica, Deja Voodoo Spells, Joe Flizzow, Altimet, Plus, Phlowtron, Kraft and My friends...Trickytongue | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment
Mostly Hip Hop, Sometimes I listen to rock as well. Depending on my current mood. Not forgetting blues, jazz and funk of any sort. Those kinds of music soothes my soul. Especially when you have a broken heart or some shit like that. You can really relate to music, you know...
My current favorite is Ratatouille. I love the messege the director's tryna send.
I don't really watch TV. I love watching the News tho...
Harry Potter!
My Mother - She is both my mom and my dad. She's a real SUPERMOM!