Other snowboarders, skaters, filmers, musicians, artists, drunks, and people who like to have a good time!Not every 1 who rides a snowboard is a snowboarder. . . . . . but for those who bear this illustrious title, its an undeniable way of life. High school ends, and the road starts calling--off to mountain towns and the assimilation into weird, transient tribes full of people who work nighttime jobs cleaning toilets or handing you your coffee in the early morrings, all so they can shove a fisful of tips in there pocket and ride, their real motives betrayed by goggle tans or ching scuffed by Gore-text. In this world people dont ask you what you "do" they ask you where you work--knowing that what you do is snowboarding, just like them, and any job you might have is simply a means for it. Now, this life is not for everyone. You have to take guff at work from rich tourists peddling snobbery; steal furtive nights' sleep on lumpy, odd-smelling couches; take fearful rides down in ski-patrol sleds with a broken wrist or blown knee; spend holidays in the stink and sweat of a resturant job-- far from home and family; and of course, surrender carefree college fun in favor of a diffrent rite of passage. However, for those who live it, all this is part of the reward--freedom from the chain-link fence of a nine-to-five and the privilege of being outside in the mountains every single day. Does any body want to leave this sweet ass town and sleep in my car for free???