sports, i dont care what it is all i need is a ball and someone to go against. i am very interested in learning another language right now but sometimes english is just fine with me. i like to travel i have been traveling through south america and would recomend Arg, Uruguay, and Brazil to anyone its beautiful. i am also interested in a girl who cooks, cleans, and wants to take care of me.
christopher columbus, abe lincoln, pope john paul II, geronimo, karl marx, plato, JC
tupactooshortNWA311incubusJ5ugodmethodmanrzagza(odb-rip)insp ectadeckghostfacemastakillacapadonaraekwonkennychesneyalanja cksonkeithurbangeorgegarthludalittlerascalstompettymartinamc brideleannrhimeslonestarfaithhillthestonesnorahjonesmichelle branchmariahaliciakeysbritneyBUTchristinaistheshitbonethugsb obmarleyoutkastbustarhymesushergangstarCnNcommontalibmosdefb lackstarEMdashboardgoogoodollseltonjohnmatchbox20blindmelont raindeftonesfueljackjohnsonhedpehoobastankpinkfloydLiLWEEZYb irdmanTrikDaddymaroon5biggiecrossfade(oldMASE-newsucks)toolm emphbleeknasnellycandleboxpeteypablonasrageagainstthemachine redhotchilipeperssamrobertsSUBLIMEstatepropLedZeppsystemT.I. wallflowersyingyangboysgentlemenziggymarleyjadakissdamienmar leyriseagainst30secondstomarsandohyeah80smusicsucks
most movies are boring and long, plus who has two hours to sit and do nothing? i do like some films. lord of the rings123, garden state, royal tennenbaums, life aquatic, eternal sunshine of a spotless mind, no country for old men, wonderland, across the universe, chris rock comedies, eddie murph comedies, there is more i just havent seen any in months
nba, mlb, nfl, nhl
5people you meet in heaven, on the road, 1984, catcher in rye, all poetry
mi hermana, JC