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About Me

Black Succubi 2009

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Dark skull

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Dark skull

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Member Since: 4/12/2008
Band Website: Crafted.dk & Blacksuccubi.dk
Influences: JonaS Larsen, Judas MadZ, TrollE, The GreaT KinG WeierGang, ZakK, Vai, Paul Gilbert, DIMEBAG and all the other shredders around the worlD.......
Sounds Like: ZaKK, Paul Gilbert, Steve vaI, Dimebag and Me!!
Create your own FACEinHOLE
Record Label: Uden kontrakt

My Blog

UK Tour 2008

So now the time has come, to kick some goddamn ass!!! Black Succubi will be playing a tour in the UK for the first time. We are so happy that we got this arranged, and it was possible for us to come a...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 06:46:00 GMT

My BandS

Hey There all you Myspace addictS. Well i..m MikE, and i play the guitar. . dah... I have put on some music on my playlist. The numbers "Troubled Times" and "Darkside", is two new numbers from the lat...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 01:42:00 GMT