J Christopher - Concept 24 profile picture

J Christopher - Concept 24

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

concept - [kon-sept]
.. –noun 1. a general notion or idea; conception. 2. an idea of something formed by mentally combining all its characteristics or particulars; a construct. 3. a directly conceived or intuited object of thought. 4. Reflections from within - Concept 24 By Design - What is Concept 24? It is simply a combination of every source of motivation, philosophy, and mentality that helps to make me what I am, and the creativity behind my art work. It is everything that means something to me, or has ever meant anything to me. It starts with my role models. Peace to Julious and Cheryll Edwards, Dr. Erica Singelmann, Alex Plummer, Mary Hyndman, Keenan, Julian and Jordyn Jackson, Diem Andrea, Dr. Keener Tippin, and Butch Woolfolk, the original #24. Role models must come from within your fam, and I thank God that mine do. My art is a reflection of me, it is the world through my eyes. It is a collaboration of so many things, from the joy and happiness I’ve experienced, to the pain and suffering I’ve endured. It is the highlights I look back on with fondness, and the rough times I reflect on to learn for the future. It is everyone I’ve ever come in contact with that meant something to me. My mentality is to take everything that has happened in my life, make it a postive, and channel that through my art work. For it has been all these people and experiences that have made me what I am. What you see here is the essence of me, no excuses, no explanations. I invite you to view the reflections from within. Stay tuned for additional works to be added as time goes by. All prints are available for sale at www.jaytwofour.deviantart.com, and at www.zazzle.com/jaytwofour where I also have galleries. So if you see something you like, please visit those sites, shoot me an e-mail or leave a pic comment. I would also be willing to personal work for anyone who is interested. I'm sending out postive energy, and I'm always willing to recieve it. Keep God first. 1 Love.

My Blog

The 24 Concepts

So I've been asked what's the meaning behind Concept 24.  It simply is 24 concepts that I hold dear to me.  It's all about the fusion of life and art:   The 24 Concepts In all your ways, acknowledge G...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Mar 2009 00:20:00 GMT

Be True

Everybody wants to rise above without a touch of dignity, without a stroke of love take a little time, check yourself To live the life you're praying for, first be true to yourself.......................
Posted by on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 15:42:00 GMT


So how do you move on from something that truly means everything to you? These past 6 months have changed who I am, how I view life, how I interact with people, and yet has reaffirmed feelings I ...
Posted by on Thu, 29 May 2008 09:30:00 GMT