I'd like to meet:
Producers, Directors, Actors, Musicians, Photographers, Makeup and Hair Artists, anyone who likes the arts. Anyone in fashion and beauty. Anyone who has similar interests and wants to be friends.THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR FRIENDSHIP!YOU ARE THE BEST AND I'M BLESSED TO HAVE YOU AS MY FRIENDS!! GOD BLESS YOU AND I WISH YOU THE BEST AND ALL THE HAPINNESS IN THE WORLD!! MAY ALL YOUR DREAMS BECOME A REALITY!I read this on Oprah.com today 9.15.09 and I had to post it for myself and for anyone that is going to read it, I need to start living by it! Blessings to all!Live Your Passion
By Sandra Magsamen
Be Your DreamRemember these nine things as you embark on your journey:* BE you: There is only one you. You are a gift, an original, no one else is qualified for the job! We need you. So embrace the world with your own genuine style, do it your way, show us a new way and leave your mark on the world.* BElieve in yourself: Let go of fear and let your skills, talent and ideas shine. If you believe in yourself, you will do the thing that you dream to do.* BE passionate: Go for it, live life like it matters, put your heart into everything you do, feel life, taste life, hear it and celebrate it.* BElong: Join organizations, clubs and groups whose ideas, friendship and values mean something to you.* BEgin today: Every day is an opportunity to dream, to learn something or discover something or someplace new.* BE curious: Play, go out on a limb, walk a new way to work, try a new food at dinner and keep learning and growing.* BEdazzle with your smile and laughter. Laughter is an instant vacation. Have fun, play and enjoy life. Fill the room with sunshine and that beautiful smile, and remember a smile is a little curve that straightens everything out.* BEhave like it's your last day on the planet. Live in the moment, celebrate you and the people you love. Connect, hug, tell people that you appreciate them, sleep late or get up early. Watch the sun rise or set. Use your senses and taste, hear and see the beauty all around you.* BEcome what you dream to be. Set goals, identify what matters, focus on where you want to go and go there. You are in the driver's seat—you are not the passenger when it comes to following your dreams. You are in charge, so take a detour, take the back roads, get lost or decide your dream has changed. Just be sure you stay on the dream journey.