Hey, im Tasha, im 18, and from Sheffield. I live with my mum, step dad and my brother, for now…hehe. I like to think that im quite a fun person to be with, however, I know that I can sometimes be a bit introverted, its not that im shy, I just don’t have anything to say. Im also not very secure about myself, I don’t feel as though I am who I want to be, and constantly compare myself to other people, but I think that most girls have this problem judging from the ‘heated debates’ me and my friends have hehe. Music is my life, cliché I know, but I don’t know how I would live without it. I remember once, me and my friend went to the cinema and this horrible radio 1 advert came on that we hate, but one of the presenters said ‘without music id probably cry’, and we turned to each other and agreed haha. I love rock and ive been to countless gigs, id pretty much say that this is my main hobby. Im also a bit of a geek really, well on paper anyways. My academic ‘career’, (haha it makes me laugh calling it that) has been quite successful I like to think. At GCSE I got 3 A*’s, 5 A’s, and 2 B’s, and I recently got 3 A’s in my A levels. Although I hope people don’t really see me as a bit of a boffin, because I don’t really, if you met me you would probably think I have special needs to be honest lol. I was supposed to be goin to uni, well I did go, for 2 days, then dropped out, I didn’t like it lol. So for now im pretty much winging it; I need a job, which Rach will hopefully be able to help me with :D and I should be starting a course in Media make-up some time soon, which will be fun, its kinda what ive secretly always wanted to do. Anyway, that’s just a bit about me, want to find out more? Then drop me a line.
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