We are surrounded by poison and the negitave influence of selfish men who are bound by laws written in haste and ignorance forcing them, or encouraging them, to become more decpetive in their selfishness. The unwary or uncaring public sits idle by as these selfish men and the hastend, ignorant laws destroy our health, beauty, and desire to be come better than what we were yesterday. This, tragicly, is nothing new. The steps to the destruction of ourselves and our planet have become as calculated and stream-lined as the factories the selfish men own. How many people do you know that are overweight? How many people do you know that have Cancer? How many people do you know that have Asthma? How many people do you know that have a mental disease? How many women do you know that have miscarried? We are surrounded by poison and the negitave influence of selfish men.
Suprise me, challenge me, test me. just keep it interestingView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
-For the last time, no! We aren't going to call ourselves "Jet Boy and Jet Girl"
-Oh come on! It's a perfect fit with our Jetpacks. I said you can be Jet Boy.
-Do you remember what the song is about!? Hell no! It's totaly gay!
-oh whatever, the song is a classic. The Damned covered it. It will score us points with the indie crowd
-Why dont we just cal ourselves "The Damned"? It's a way cooler name.
Ovid's Metamorphosis, Good Omens, The Heart is Decietful, Pure Rapture, The Book of Lost Things, Castle of the High Man, The Great God Plan, The Beckoning Fair One, Green Tea, The Boarded Window, The Horla, Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep?, Ulyesses, kill All Humans and Thank You for Smoking
George Gordon Byron, Maxwell Atoms, Phillip K. Dick, Satan, Judas, and every serial killer that ever was or will be