<Kt IS Nang> profile picture

&lt;Kt IS Nang&gt;

How did he not find the baggy, with his hand in my shoe?

About Me

I will strip
for nike dunks
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
A A %D%AAlreet gobshite?!Im Kt, People call me by my surname usually which is 'Wade' or if you are feeling really wild then 'Wadakiss'..I have erratic mood swings,so dont fuck me off.Innit.I have a vile temper and love abit of hardcore banter every now and then. Im quite anti-social and like my own space. To put it bluntly im abit of a narcissist. I work as a security Officer up Lewes Prison.I live in a gorgeous flat with my boyfriend which is right next to the seaside..I have the most AMAZING boyfriend in the world...Big.H Breakbeat,Uk Hip hop and graffiti are some of my main passions.I have size 4 feet.I tend to snigger alot. I like charity shop window displays. They crack me up. When Im stoned I like to watch the virtual horse racing channel.I bloody lurve Phil and Grant Mitchell.Corrrr.Minty is a sweetheart n all.Im quite partial to Ruby's "bf" Sean.Its that evil grimace he does.Bradley Bradley Bradley...you gotta love the ginger swine..Look at me thinking its real.Current obsessions include...Tigerwoods golf[THE GAME THE GAME DAMNIT FOOLS]trainers,Ebay...Bagdagger arghh so addictive...!,Handbags..glittery belts..shoes..tacky sunglasses,hair clips,Going into SIZE to perv on the trainers. I have a sick twisted sense of humour that only a few understand.I can be quite sarky,mouthy,angry and loud,but I have my innocent angelic days where i get away with murder innit.I like indepth meaningless chats about anything.I like gettin pissed+going out on random walks,nicking peoples plants+ garden ghomes and scaring the neighbours.They LOVE it!Im incredibly lazy so dont bitch if I dont reply to yer messages..Yer bastards yer ****My loving list****My gawwwwwjus boyfriend...christ he's incredible Dancing gettingWEELLL stoned and raiding the cupboards for all my fave munchies My flat is Le SHEX!Propa lush. Giving all the banter out. Need fer Speed Underground hugs warm sunny days liBeing kissed on my neck Waking up /falling a-kipping with my man. John Daly The best darn golfer in town i'll have you know. Nookie..then snuggling up afterwards with a spliff. poundland Old Skool Nike gear Beat Downs I love it when bus drivers wave at eachother...such a heart warming moment Going to shows Night of stars Bein kissed on thar head French knickers Brighton Beach at night Hipbones are thar shex Playstation PorkpieHats Intense kissing swanky hair eye contact Nike high top trainers.The ghetto kind innit. I Love romance-flowers+candle lit dinners Drawing on things is fun I love indepth convos about yaks Play fights Lazying about in the sun getting trashed in pubs Crying with laughter so much it hurts.Possibly making you puke rememising with family and friends throwing mean punches at inkfish knobs.you know who u are Pimpin up cars Drunken dancing Bmxing til dawn Heavy loud bass music Lollipops and icecream Eyeliner and glitter Holidays & Photography liTim Westwood and hiz slaaang******I cant fooking stand:..******** Little emo fag girls who try and be "ghetto" URGH.. People with bad bleach jobs that make their hair go ginger. Posh people who say "fuck"..sounds re-dick. Working for some BOLLOX callcentre... Paying Bills. T'Leccy should be free innit. Emo kids..wankers. Sad girls who say ive had a tit job and judge me before they even know me.That pisses me off.Ill rip their knee caps off.You know who you are four eyes. Backstabbers SHIT tattoos..ok Mickey Mouse maybe kinda cute but why get him tattooed on yo ass?! Cold toast.ARRGH BAGBAGGERRR so wrong!! People who copy stuff really gets my goat. People who pretend they are drunk Waiting for buses Queues in the bank. Fat girls that wear tiny ass clothing.Ropey. Scene kids.Jog on. Sleezy men asking if my knockers are real People who preach about cutting themselves. Toni&guy hand crafted mullets. Kids who preach about being emo Wannabe punk/"scene" kids Goths. Being taken for granted. People who cant take NO for an answer Girls who send me bitchy msg's on here..who would be too fuckin pussy to say it to my face cuz they know they will get stabbed up. Cokeheads Girls who complain about being hit when they stand right in the middle of a fuckin pit. Christ the list is endless.I'd best stop being an old git.Me and my lover.Yay.Dappa mer nappa aiiii.I Love You so much baby...I bloody doohooo.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Myspace Counter Groping my Bf. Playing Xbox. Eating Fry-Ups. Drinking whiskey. Sleeping. Graffiti. Being Anti most things. Beating up Pennington. Various banter sessions. Mean Bean Machine. Glaring. Necking Wine. Smoking the Cronic. Beer Gardens. Intense chats. Dancing along the seafront. Designing property.

I'd like to meet:

People aged over 60 with an ASBO.Moe Szyslak is fucking don.I REALLY REALLY REAAAALLY want to meet John Daly. Hell, id give left leg to go get pissed with him. He's my hero.


Its all about: GRIME UK HIPHOP DRUM AND BASS BREAKS JUNGLE METAL GABBAAAAAA.....I just love a heavy phat bassline and beatz.Wiley Jedi Mind Tricks Dizzee Rascal Ed Rush & Optical Binary Star Stanton Warriors Dillinja n Lemon D James Lavelle Klashnekoff Taskforce Bruza The Police Rodney P Young Dot Cypress Hill Big Daddy Kane Jay Z Roll Deep Crew Skinny Man Dirty Diggers Foreign Beggers Killa Kella Andy C Deekline Dead Prez Crazy Titch DJ EZ Roots Manuva Scratch Perverts Scriblah Kyza Lethal Bizzle Kano Skitz Meat Katie Mobb Deep Oasis UnEarth The Streets Roni Size Plan B Shystie Baby Blue The Roots Fatboy SLim Dj Hype Devvo Pendulum Jammer JME Jehst Lady Fury Krafty Kuts Low Deep The Prodigy Hatebreed Stampin Ground Pantera Machine Head Enter Shikari Unearth As I lay Dying


Movies on serial killers are the shit.Films that really scare the ship outta ya,the ones which make you blub[love actually;)] and the ol stoner flicks.My favourite movie at the moment has to be Kidulthood..it blew me away sick sound track. I like The Hills Have Eyes[The new version..christ on a bkeedin cross I never been so scared in ones life!],Mean Creek,The Jacket,Lockstock,Kids,Scum,Ghostwatch,Thirteen,The Hole,The Goonies,Romper Stomper,Friday the 13th,28 Days Later,Donnie Darko,The Green Mile,Monster,American History X,Willy Wonka,Scary Movie2,Dumb and Dumber,The creepy alice in wonderland,Spirted Away...Innit.


Ooh I fooking love t'box.Peep Show. DEAL OR NO DEAL blates!!! Bloody love it and constantly scream at the telly whilst watching it. Currently watching To Buy Or Not To Buy (BLOODY LOVE DOM!) HollyOaks is so damn addictive.Car Booty- Only for Lorn Spicer.Fawtly Towers. Trinny and Susannah -(LOVE the bitchy banter with em birds!)Gordon Ramsey is a must. The Simpsons, The wright stuff-ya gotta love a heated debate in the morning,The Office, Pimp My Ride, Top Gear, Sugar Rush, Family Guy, South Park, Never Mind The Buzzcocks, Corrie(Only for cropper and his chopper)Eastenders purely for the mitchell brothers,and documentries on Rednecks,Local estate scum, serial killers, old people with asbos,BratCamp,Wife swap,not forgetting anything with good ol Noel Edmunds in.mmmm. I love the trash! The occasional porn film is ok.


Well you cant beat a good bit of reading .Anything by Jill Mansell,The John Daly Bio, Books on ugly cats,Diaries written by fucked up people,Adrian Mole got me through my teenage years, Redline,The Banksy book... MaxPower, books about graffiti.Cor.


These fookers right here own:

My Blog

Got a New Fookin Job!

Finally after months of waiting I got the job as a security officer at Lewes Prison. Its gonna be fucking wicked.   Toodles.
Posted by <Kt IS Nang> on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 11:21:00 PST

New Years bollocks and a New Wadakiss.Yar Yar.

Well well well.  This year is nearly over. It has gone so fast. I remember back in Febuary when me and my ex has just split up after 2 and a half years. I was laying about the house thinking lif...
Posted by <Kt IS Nang> on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 08:32:00 PST

Shit List,

Jebus. Everyone has a shit list. Heres mine. - Not having any bloody cash whatsoever. - Working for a complete whack company which since recently only employs wankers.. - When Dom aint on 'To Buy Or ...
Posted by <Kt IS Nang> on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 07:29:00 PST

My New Gaff... <3

Cor its bleedin lovely! Absolutely GAAAWWJUZ!  Im ever so happy. Innit. The move went smoothly, the first night we had some of our mates round for a mashup and to play on the ol Xbox..Cained Tige...
Posted by <Kt IS Nang> on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 10:32:00 PST

My Bloke ting <33333

Just want somewhere to ramble on about me fella. Aiiii. I am the luckiest motherfawker in thar world! I can honestly say that ive found my soulmate and best friend all in one. We have been together f...
Posted by <Kt IS Nang> on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 09:10:00 PST

A questionnaire...Ya nosy fookers

    Ooh look ya fookers..A little questionnaire!Ooooh hark!Was propa bored at work so it had to be done to kill some time.    SAD SECTION 01. Have you ever really cried your h...
Posted by <Kt IS Nang> on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:41:00 PST

Wadakiss's week.

Well well well ere I am again. One has managed to "hack"  the computer at work and blag full net access. Get in my son. Ohhh yesh! Been a weird ol week. My lovely blokey is back from his holiday...
Posted by <Kt IS Nang> on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 09:14:00 PST

Some random pics I took....[GRaFFiti]EtC

??BooShank ...
Posted by <Kt IS Nang> on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 02:44:00 PST

Me and my man are movin out.Get in my son!

YAY im so excited! We are gonna have our very own gaff.... Its just along the seafront,with a little balcony...gonna be well sick having a zoot up there watching the sea at night. I really cant wait t...
Posted by <Kt IS Nang> on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 10:57:00 PST

I am in love....;)

Yesh it is true... I'm totally fucking head over heels in love and it feels so damn good!   'The One' Has been found. Get in my son!    ...
Posted by <Kt IS Nang> on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 02:25:00 PST