We found ourselves exhausted, sweaty and thoroughly ripe at 8a.m on a Saturday morning, knee high in trance casualties, spilt ashtrays and a CD collection that I still feel; partly destroyed our souls forever that night. The off license didnt open for an hour or so; any chance of sleep, recovery or a change of clothes was out of the question. We were there for the long haul and we were a mess.However, after hours of involuntary head bobbing, jaw spasms and crap chat we came to a sobering conclusion that, a) we had to leave the party and, b) it was necessary to form a band that we want to hear at this unfortunate time of day, with these unfortunate kind of people.AKA the FOX was born.Before long it had become a monster; foul and deprived. Leering at drunken teenage girls with unashamed enthusiasm. Sarcastic, cynical, camp and brutally honest it pillaged any genre it could. Twisting and contorting guitars, saxophone, synths and vocals into an unmistakable electro howl AKA the FOX demanded to be heard.Strangely enough we cant go to parties anymoreWe're just not allowedI edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 t