Jessy-J-Sparks ™ {TSGH/GFE} profile picture

Jessy-J-Sparks ™ {TSGH/GFE}

I am here for Friends

About Me

aim= superjaded90 Agraphobia- Fear of sexual abuse. Agateophobia- Fear of insanity. Angrophobia - Fear of anger or of becoming angry Asthenophobia- Fear of fainting or weakness Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces. Clithrophobia or Cleithrophobia- Fear of being enclosed Ecclesiophobia- Fear of church. Isolophobia- Fear of solitude, being alone Kakorrhaphiophobia- Fear of failure or defeat. Pocrescophobia- Fear of gaining weight. (Obesophobia) Virginitiphobia- Fear of rape.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Hey You With The Big Tits
The Man I Would Like To Meet 1. Who will sing to me when i ask and will say "what song" 2.Will jam with me 3.Stargaze for hours and just hold hands 4. Write songs for me 5.Will comfort me when i cry 6. Has a car 7. Comes to my house randomly and tells me where going out somewhere 8. Gives me flowers because he loves me 9. Will Mosh with me 10. A man who enjoys monster energy drink as much as me 11. Can make me giggle 12. Who will talk on the phone with me and just talk about random shit 13. Has emotions 14. Everytime he sees me picks me up and spins me around and kisses me all over 15. Wont cheat on me 16. Cares about me 17. Calls me in the middle of the night to see what I was dreamin about 18. Doesnt critize me but gives advise 19. Takes me on dates 20. Enjoys taking pictures of each other and together 21. Doesnt care i have flaws 22. Caresses my face 23. Has his own opinions and sticks with them 24. HATES GEORGE BUSH 25. Laughs at porn lol 26. Good sence of humor 27. Doesnt try to impress me tto much but the right amount 28. Likes my weirdyness 29. Lets me pays for somethings 30. Likes salvation army 31. Doesnt care i have guy friends and doesnt bitch about hanging out with them 32. Doesnt bitch like a little child 33. Plays with my brothers 34. Comes to my school and visits while i am having off campus lunch(which is everyday) 35. Helps me with my homework 36. Kisses my Forehead 37. Plays my hair 38. My height or taller 39. Says "I Love You" randomly 40. Likes techno in some way 41. Cuddles with me on his bed and do nothing but giggle 42. Makes me feel I am the only one for him 43. Kisses my hand This blue eyed beauty is my bestie for life her name is Aricka. This girl befriended me the first day of school when all those stupid heads where being stupid. She was the one who saw that I have changed as a person.She doesnt give two fucks who you are she loves you for who you are not what you have been. TALK SHIT GET FUCKIN HIT

Aj, we have been friends since 6th grade. you are the person i have been through the most with. i could actually say "I Love You". You are my bestie my family loves you and i do. forever. i know that we have been through our rough patches but bud i have always cared about you. You make me giggle. like way to much. the crazy shit you do. the stories you tell me. you can just make my day so fast. Aj you will always be my best friend the kinda older brother i have always wanted.I Love You Kid. BFF FOREVER lol Jordan I fuckin love you. Your laugh is the sillest thing ever. Everytime i hang out with you, i ahve the greatest time ever. You have a great personality. I FUCKIN LOVE YOU Jeremy dude I am so proud to know you. You have helped me through so much shit. You are like the fuckin greatest person ever. MARCH 15th bebe. lolZakyYou are the sweetest man ever. I love ya. I hope we can get together. =)))soon to be a pic of tyler Tyler i just met you like two weeks ago and i can say you are the sillest muther fucker in the world. i have never laughed so much in my life in these past couple weeks. *Fart* shut the fuck upp *fart* Jesus hahaha


The bands I support

My Blog

best night

as you all know, last night was my fuckin first show   FUCK YEAH  i am so sore and have bruises everwhere even a swollon eye and a big lip but it was all worth it       10/2...
Posted by Jessy-J-Sparks ™ {TSGH/GFE} on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 11:09:00 PST

Poem 1

Unknown Think, thats all she can do She thinks is this where it all ends All that happiness I earned begin to dole Is this where I begin to hate myself Do I begin to undo everything I fixed in l...
Posted by Jessy-J-Sparks ™ {TSGH/GFE} on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 02:54:00 PST

The song i feel the most right now

ACROSS FIVE APRILS LYRICS"A Year From Now"Complete and total adoration,My gift to you, my heart was yours,In ten weeks you shaped it, In one night you murdered it.Torn from my chest and laid at your f...
Posted by Jessy-J-Sparks ™ {TSGH/GFE} on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 03:12:00 PST

my peircings

my la bre and then the left side of my nose and possably the bridge of my nose lol i cant wait i am excited
Posted by Jessy-J-Sparks ™ {TSGH/GFE} on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 10:04:00 PST

My First Tattoo

i cant tell all the details but yeah i know there is going to be two doves and it will be on my lower stomache   hellz yeah i am so excited...
Posted by Jessy-J-Sparks ™ {TSGH/GFE} on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 02:32:00 PST