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†~Fallen Nia ~†

Don't set your eyes to high. Don't think you'll make it. You'll come crashing down hard. And it will

About Me

.. -- -- -- --t--My score on.. -- -- -- --/t-- The Are you a hot Juggalette Test :

Sexy Juggalette
(You scored 38 sexy and 59 juggalette!)

So you're the one special enough to be a sexy juggalette, hell yeah. You should message me if you want another sexy juggalette for a friend MMFWCL 4 Life

.. -- -- -- --t--Link.. -- -- -- --/t--: The Are you a hot Juggalette Test ( .. -- -- -- --t--OkCupid Free Online Dating.. -- -- -- --/t-- )

..t--My score on..t-- The Are You A Juggalo/Juggalette Test :

You scored 59 as Juggalo!

if you scored -3 to 10 you did really bad! Do you know who ICP is even? If you scored 11 to 100 then you need to learn more about ICP and retake the test. if you scored 101 to 130 then way to go you are down for life!

..t--Link../t--: The Are You A Juggalo/Juggalette Test ( ..t--OkCupid Free Online Dating../t-- )

You Are "Tearful"
What Japanese Smiley Are You? Layout Stealer by TheMyspaceLayout.com.
adopt your own virtual pet! M'kay so this is my frist time trying this place out and what not. I am hmm lets see. A fun loving type of a girl. Well more or less I am a woman. But err....I do not seem it, or act it. I Plan to try to make this a little bit fun to read. So other then my typing all this crap up, I can add on different things so that it will be more fun and exciting to see my page. Wooo hoo, new on here and I want to see how this goes. Heard that this is a great way to meet people. Well then I guess I will have to see for myself now won't I? Hmm for the time being that is all that I will put up for now. Meh I do not know how this thing works out and I will see if I actually read up on the e-mails tha this place sent me. Muahhh and much love to all? LOL. I can always become her O.o...hehehe if you get me all fired up.
Which Inuyasha Character Are You?
You are Kagome!
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My Interests

75 Random Questions:

Do you have any pets? Used to...It was a baby Turtle...
What color shirt are you wearing? White...With SailorMoon on it..Yes I am an anime junkie ..
What is the last book you read? Wow....My Medical Terminology book -_-
Are you or were you a good student? Well, am..since I am in college. So yuppers.
What's your favorite sport? Baseball! Then Hockey, then Soccer, then Basketball
Do you enjoy sleeping late? Hm...not really. I sometimes wake up at 8:30am...on my own
What's the weather like right now? Icky! Hot humidy..hate it!
Who tells the best jokes? Dane Cook
What was the last thing you dreamed about? It was me being back in high school O.o...it freaked me out...
Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? Er...well..not yet...I don't drive yet.
Do you believe in karma? That I do. So yes yes I do
Do you believe in luck? Hmm yes, and I have bad luck most of the time T_T
Do you like your eggs scrambled or sunny side up? Scrambled. Sunny Side..is only with this dish that is Ecuadorian ^_^
Do you collect anything? If so, what? Let's see...I collect Keychains, and then Cards, and then Coins.........OH and Anime Stickers ...
Have you ever been scuba diving? No, but I want to do that
What's your least favorite color? Hm......I'd have to say......BRIGHT colors....BLEH they hurt the eyes X.x
Is there someone you have been constantly thinking about? If yes, who? Yes...but..yeah X.x
Would you ever go skydiving? Oh hells yes! I'd love to do that sometime in my lifetime
What toothpaste do you use? Colgate, or Cest. Which ever
Do you enjoy challenges? Sometimes..
What's the worst injury you have had? Hmm....Slipping off of a steel swing..and getting my skull cracked opened a bit from the impact of the swing coming back towards my head X.x....
What's the last movie you saw? TRANSFORMERS BABY!
What do you want to know about the future? Don't want to....then that would ruine things
What does your last text message say? ........Er........Dunno..since I don't have a cell -_-
Who was the last person you spoke over the phone to? Er...hm....Hmm....A family member....Non-Family I would have to say to...Matt
What's your favorite school subject? WAS. Drama
What's your least favorite school subject? MATH! UGH hated that
Would you rather have money or love? Love. Money corrupts
What is your dream vacation? Go to Japan, Ireland, England.
What is your favorite animal? Both a Wolf and Crow/Raven. I respect those two
Do you miss anyone right now? Yes....T_T
What's the last sporting event you watched? A Baseball game at the Rogers Centre XD
Do you need to do laundry? Nope, its already done ^_^ Just drying up outside
Do you listen to the radio? Only when I am in the car X.x...lol
Where were you when 9/11 happened? I was in class....and the announcement went on...and...I freaked..since I have some family in NYC...and two of my aunts work near there...I had to go to the office..and I cried like a baby X.x..
What do you do when vending machines steal your money? I curse under my breathe...and bang on it if no one is around..if not...I curse at it and say "I will never throw my money away like that again" *Turns around and sees another one* Ouuu ICED TEA! *Drops in money* .
Have you ever caught a butterfly? Er...no...I am scared of them ..
What's your favorite fruity scent? Oranges
Do you watch cartoons? YESH! ^_^ I am a child at heart. durrr
Have you ever sat on a roof? Well....in NYC...we went to a roof top..of an apartment, and watched the fireworks...does that count?
Have you ever been to a different country? Yes, many times
Name three things in the world you dislike: Wow...er...um...To many cars. Politacal stuff. And....racism
Name three people in the world you dislike: GEORGE W BUSH! DIE!...and that's it..
Has a rumor even been spread about you? Nopers
Do you like sushi? Tasted it...once..it was ok
Do you believe in magic? Yes I do
Do you hold grudges? Not really
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.comMy guilty pleasure.. Would Inuyasha love you more than Kagome?
Well...it seems we have a winner.Congradulations!You just won Inuyashas' heart!
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How will I die? Your Result: You will die while saving someone's life.

The most noble of all deaths. Your rewards will be great in the next life. You are most definitely a humanitarian. If not currently, you will be. To give one's life is a precious moment that will be remembered by friends and family for many decades.

You will die in your sleep.
You will die of boredom.
You will die while having sex.
You will die from a terminal illness.
You will die in a car accident.
You will die in a nuclear holocaust.
You will be murdered.
How will I die?
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I'd like to meet:

Let's see I'd like to meet....do I have to really say? Well at the moment I wish to meet all kinds of people. One can say expand one's horizons. Hmm if by I'd like to meet you mean what would be my ideal kind of perosn...well I really do not have high expectations of anyone. I just want to be able to meet someone who is true to themselves, and who knows how to respect me for who I am.
You scored as Angel, Angel: Angels are the guardians of all things, from the smallest ant to the tallest tree. They give inspiration, love, hope, and positive emotion. They live among humans without being seen. They are the good in all things, and if you feel alone, don't fear. They are always watching. Often times they merely stand by, whispering into the ears of those who feel lost. They would love nothing more then to reveal themselves, but in today's society, this would bring havoc and many unneeded questions. Give thanks to all things beautiful, for you are an Angel.












What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Mr./Mrs. Right, Congrats!!! You are quite possibly the best type of person to get into a relationship with. Your thoughtful and open, plus you're old fashioned and dedicated. You know what matters and do your best to make your significant other feel your love at any cost.

Mr./Mrs. Right


Not quite Casanova


You're "friend" material



How Do You Love?
created with QuizFarm.com


OMG like like.....woah...no I am not like that. Heaven forbid that. Music. Well let me see. I am into the whole alternative rock type. I like listening to the Edge. That is my radio station. Hmm let me see. I am into any kinds of music...all but two COUNTRY and RAP...I am sorry but I can not tolerate those types of gernes. I can not listen to those....it is like torture. I maybe able to tolerate, but I will be squirming much


Gulity. I am guilty to be a hopless romantic. Come on for all you guys out there. All girls are this. It is our nature. No matter what. But other then that type, Romantic love story. I am into action. Also into well.....yes Anime, or animation. I love Disney movies. I have always loved them. And will never stop loving them. Hmmm...oh yes, and if you want me to be all over you, and holding on to you. Make me watch a scary movie...I tend to jump, and hide behind someone when I am watching a scary movie...it is in my nature. LOVE! Own all 4 ^^


Ahhh bleh *Kicks her comp connetction, smiles* Ahem. Yeah I will re-type what I did..Television...I watch it now and then. I LOVE E.R a guilty fan. Then there is any of the C.S.I's mmmhmm. Also I love Fridays. My sacride day. Tell me to go out that night. And it is close to impossible. ANIME NIGHT for me. Sorry to say hehehe. Well yeah that is all I have for the tele....


Books.....Ahhh what I like. M'kay for and foremost ANNE RICE. Anything that she has graced us with. Then there is Laurell K. Hamilton. I love her Anita Blake series. Hmm...then there is James Herbert. That guy had that ok book...I think the title was Once. Good book. I know there are a few more that I am missing. But then again I can always update this so hehehe


Heroes....woah....hmm lets see...do I have any?.....umm...I would have to say....my own parents. And for like a famous person Anne Rice. She is like an inspiration. A good write, the works for me. Hmm...if asking like a hero hero. I would have to say....hmm....Raven from Teen Titans. ^_^ she has the whole darkness/good thing going on for her. Now that is sooo meeeee hehehee She is also my hero ...I love her! Well...I wish I'd be here..wait I was here for a year at Anime North ..... ???

My Blog

"Let's Roll"

"Let's Roll"... The words that came out of a heroic person, bound to time, and knowing of their death... It has been 5 years today, since chaos..horror, fear was inflicked into the hearts of all, if m...
Posted by ~Fallen Nia ~ on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 12:08:00 PST


http://images.quizfarm.com/1110901673kinky.jpg">> You scored as Very Kinky. You are very Kinky. Yuo are not over the top but you like kinky arousements and you are willing to try something new every t...
Posted by ~Fallen Nia ~ on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 06:33:00 PST