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I created my layout at KillerKiwi.netThe reason why I'vemade this Web.Page.You have good moral ibre.
I look up to your intelligance, humanity,
charity, you have a gift for feeling empathy,
great humality, profssionalism,
your detimation, dynamism,
your desire to take the world by storm,
of it You manage to achieve whatever you set outto do,
not because of your good looks,
but becuse you deserve it, you are worth it.I would like the people who visit this web to learn of your many gifts,
your integrity, your philosophy
l've been told increndible things about
your generosity and kindness,
but I won't tell, I know you wouldn't like me to.Its said that heaven is full of magical angels,
I'm positive you are one who escaped to Earth
to play and make us blissfully happy.
GOD bless you, Eduardo Verásteguimy Birth Name isJosé Eduardo Verástegui Córdoba
Born and raised in Xicotencatl, Tamaulipas, a tiny village in Northern Mexico, I'm a mexican model, singer, and actor, I was the son of a sugar cane farmer. At the age of 18, I left my small town and headed to Mexico City to pursue a career in entertainment. Twelve years later, I had toured the world as a singer in the Mexican pop sensation Kairo and as an acclaimed solo recording artist, performing sold-out concerts in over 13 countries. Starring in five highly-rated "telenovelas" (Spanish soap operas) for Televisa (broadcast in over 19 countries), I have also been featured on hundreds of international magazine covers including People En Español which voted me one of 50 Most Beautiful People. I had appeared opposite Jennifer Lopez in one of her most famous music videos "Ain't it funny!" as well as in an international television commercial promoting her self-titled commercial fragrances. In 2001, I was on a flight from Miami to Los Angeles when I was approached by the V.P. of Casting at 20th Century Fox for the studio's first ever Latino-driven film "Chasing Papi" and won the starring role. I subsequently co-starred in an indie film called "Meet Me In Miami" and has appeared in such primetime television series as "CSI:Miami, " "Charmed," and "Karen Cisco". In 2004, following an inspiration to transform my image, I left my agency and management and teamed with director Alejandro Monteverde and producer Leo Severino to form Metanoia Films, a company committed to projects that entertain, engage and inspire.Year
2008 Result
Won Award
Most Inspirational Movie Acting
for: Bella (2006other Official Site
If you want to see a powerful pro-life movie that is making waves in Hollywood, I recommend the movie Bella. It won the Toronto International Film Festival People's Choice Award, and the Legacy Award from the Smithsonian Legacy Center.I urge everyone to make an effort to see this movie in the theaters, if it does well, it will benefit the pro-life movement tremendously. Robert Novak describes it as "an emotional experience for a stunning exhibition of cinema art that unexpectedly won a Toronto International Film Festival award." Singer Tony Bennett