Fans and authors of dark fiction!
Also... art is always welcome. Eye candy is a great thing!
Take cemetery photos? Send them in! Do you write dark, gruesome poetry? Send it in!
The Monsters Next Door is open to submissions!
Your submission should be sent to one of TWO EMAIL ADDRESSES, depending on word count.
Short Fiction
500 - 2500 words. Please send as an attached .rtf or .doc file to: [email protected] c/o Myrrym Davies
Long Fiction
2500 - 7500 words. Please send as an attached .rtf or .doc file to: [email protected] c/o LB Goddard
The Monsters Next Door is published online quarterly. Your story must adhere to the following guidelines:
*Your story must feature a character or situation that could be described as "monstrous". We don't require claws or fangs. Serial killers are human beings, but wouldn't you agree they are monsters?
*Classic characters welcome (vampires, demons, ghosts, werewolves, ghouls, zombies) but please make the plot original! We all know that the classic vampire hates crucifixes and feeds daily. Make yours different!
*Word length: 500 - 7500 words. Please no more than 7500 words!
*Use standard fonts--Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New-- 11 or 12 point. Standard manuscript format is preferred--double spaced, no spaces between paragraphs, indent at paragraph beginning, underline italics.
Simultaneous submissions are fine. Just let me know if your story gets accepted somewhere else.
Multiple submissions are OK for poetry, but please only send ONE STORY at a time. You can try again if it is rejected.
Reprints are welcome! If you send a reprint, please make sure the rights are yours.
The Monsters Next Door cannot afford to pay contributors at this time.
500 - 2500 words. Please send as an attached .rtf or .doc file to: [email protected] c/o Myrrym Davies
2500 - 7500 words. Please send as an attached .rtf or .doc file to: [email protected] c/o LB Goddard
I want The Monsters Next Door to bring writers and artists together... giving each the exposure they deserve.
Artists: I cannot pay for contributions, but I can help gain interest in your work. With any art submission, I would be happy to provide a link to your website.
If you have any photos with a dark element you wish to submit, I would be pleased to append the proper copyright symbol and name (tastefully small, but there none-the-less).
If you wish to provide photos for my "Dark Photography" section, I can include a short biography as well.
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And now... some love for fellow writers. Check this stuff out!
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