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My name is Shanin and I always use a little spoon. I started this sucker on 04.11.08. I've been around for 18 years. I've been with Anthony since 01.01.06 and he is my best friend, he makes me feel alive. He is older than me, but he doesn't act it. I am a complicated female who enjoys the simplest things life has to offer. I have a tendency to over analyze situations that I'm in. The tiniest things can have me wondering for hours. I hold grudges, and pick myself apart emotionally. I tend to be passive aggressive. I do not talk bad about people behind their backs, and I don't spread rumors. I can keep secrets to myself. I have been told I am strange, but that's the opinion of another. I can and will talk to anyone about anything, good and bad. I want to work as a child psychologist one day, or at least a group home worker. I am fixing past mistakes made, slowly but surely. I have had my own experiences, and have been told I should be an inspirational speaker. It annoys me when people make me repeat myself. My favorite time of day is 12:34, don't ask me why. I dip my toast in milk, it's super good. I always use cinnamon toothpaste. I like the color green. I like to laugh. I think the rain is amazing. Sometimes, thunderstorms scare me. I live on my own and take care of myself, as always. I avoid physical confrontation like the plague, I don't like to fight. I have twenty piercings and five tattoos. I like to talk, so don't be afraid to converse. If you peak my interest, I will carry out a conversation for days.
I am always willing and ready to pc4pc and w4w. Don't
ask, just do it. If you leave "pc4pc" in the picture
comment, I will not return the comment. If you use a
lame title when whoring like "+++" or "ADD",
I will use a lame title as well. Its only fair.
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