Having left a life of luxury and privilege on the planet Radon in favor of a life of poverty and the pursuit of enlightenment as starving artists, Good Shot Janson fell in love with a little blue planet inhabited by semi-sentient bipeds known as "humans." After analyzing the various occupations and pursuits available to aspiring artists on the planet Earth, Good Shot Janson soon decided that life as musical artists would best suit their desire to shun wealth and pursue enlightenment. The four galactic travelers sold the bulk of their worldly possessions and purchased noise-making instruments for the purpose of creation and entertainment, forming the group Good Shot Janson in spring, 2009. Holing up in a basement in Nashville, TN, the band began producing sounds that have begun to take the shape of songs. It is the hope of the members of the group that you enjoy their sonic creations and wish to hear them performed for you in person.
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? using original artwork by Marah Johnson. Go get one!