The reason men are silenced is not because they speak falsley, but because they speak the truth. This is because if men speak falsehoods , their own words can be used against them; while if they speak truly, there is nothing which can be used against them - except force
You Have Been...
Lied To
W hat you think you know, you really don't. What do you put your faith in? Your so called leaders? Their only concern is to fatten their wallets as they rape yours.
T he Media? They are controlled by powerful world manipulators whos only aspiration in life is to control you, and make sure you remain misinformed, and dumbed down.
B ut Why? SImply because, a society in which we are all stupid and subserviant, regardless of what is done to us, is a society that will never have the power to choose for itself.
D o you think you are free? Regardless of what nation you call your homeland, I doubt you are free, in fact I am sure that you are not. None of us are free, we are all slaves to the power hungry world controllers. Those who reign supreme, unchecked and unchalleneged by the masses.
W hy do the masses remain obediant to these men and women? I will tell you it is because society has been beaten down into believeing they can do nothig to stop evil. They have been forced to believe their opinions, and their voices count for nothing.
T he voice of the people is more powerful a tool than anything our "leaders" posess, and do you know what the governments of the world fear the most? People like myself, people who have a voice, know what that voice can accomplish, and know how to use this voice.
S top tolerating this abuse, this injustice. Criminals must be taken down and brought to justice. Thomas Mann once said, "Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.", and I agree. Open your eyes, your ears, and most importantly, your mouths. Educate yourselves, and then use your voices.
Look To The Light