I'd like to become what I know I am.
Its not as easy as it should be,
but what exactly is "should be"?That which is in a state of becoming can not be.
J. Krishnamutri
I am not transcending or transforming, I am existing,
I am Being.I am the son of a senior chief, who sailed some seas and fed few good soldiers and of the pretty woman he saw and decided to say hello back to him. To dance with him. I am man who has sinned and fallen short, its the human part of me i swear.
I sometimes stare, searching for what is not seen, for what skin-curtains conceal. Certainly, I've never considered this to be rude, only an attempt to see the true you, the invisible you, the you i am blind too.
I honestly wish I was born skin-color blind, so I'd never pick and choose who to be kind to.
My mind at times chooses to move quicker than my body,
My body is learning to listen.
I am training my attention.
Affirmative Action injected with pure preparation is my plan. I am a huMan for the time being..
Brent & Korim at Brave New Voices
Brent Caballero in Washington D.C.
noetic (know-et-ik)
Brently "Noetic" Caballero at 19, is an enviable poet, embracing a struggle to separate himself from mediocrity, both as a writer and, more importantly, a person. His determined recognition of imperfection has guided him to an artistic process striding on poems that pull reverence from an audience and leave history in their wake. Rocketing from his laurels, he strives toward betterment without a finish line in sight. Performing throughout Texas, California, New York, and Washington, D.C. and sharing stages with Talaam Acey, Da'Shade Moonbeam, Rachel McKibbens, Anis Mojgani, K'naan, Mark Marcel, Zell Miller III, Beau Sia, Marc Bamuthi, Shannon Leigh Lewis, Matthew John Conley, Andy Buck, Prentice Powell, Big Poppa E, Christopher-Michael, Brian Francis, and Amiri Baraka, Brent has launched a rapid rise through a self-imposed challenge of continuous redefinition leading him to movingly write and perform in a wide range of styles, from urban to cosmic settings. A member of the 2007 Austin Under-21 Poetry Slam Team and the champion of the 2008 Austin Under-21 Poetry Slam Team, he has always upped and altered his game for any situation, constantly stretching his comfort zone, assisting, advising, coaching, helping, guiding, encouraging, leading: a serious writer, a romantic writer, a funny writer, a political writer, a hip hop writer, a versatile writer.
- Mike Whalen
Coach of 2007 & 2008 Austin Youth Poetry Slam Teams