Im a really big Movie & Stand Up comedy Freak, I read ALOT! ( you wouldnt know it from looking at me ), Paintball, Metal, Porn, Basketball, freaking people out, Blazeing, Amusement Parks, Going to comedy clubs, Live music, hanging out with my little brother, hearing music I've never heard before, Fucked up cartoons, swimming, playing practical jokes on people, barbecues, writeing, camping, rideing quads, quoting movies, Anything Brutal, being lazy on sunday, peirced and tattooed girls, italian food, aggresive women, and I like to party when i can make the time to.
I dont give a rats ass, if we have shit in common and you wanna talk, hit me up.
what metal genre are you? Your Result: Death Metal
Growl away, you are brutal and anti establishment, you love to f--- with peoples minds by singing about everything from rape and murder to your own personal hell
Dethklok, SNOT, Brotha Lynch, Pennywise, The Sword, Necro, Lynard Skynard, Pepper, Richard Cheese, Wolfmother, Doomsday Productions, Andre Nicatina, S.O.D., System Of A Down, Bad Religion, Cypress Hill, Metallica ( old stuff only !! ), Pantera, MF Doom, Paul Wall, SLAYER, Deicide, Morbid Angel, Marvin Gaye, Jimmy Hendrix, Rob Zombie, Bloodhound Gang, X Raided, Primus, Slipknot, Suicidal Tendancies, Black Sabbath, Motorhead, N.W.A., Eazy E, Sepultura, Tenacious D, Social Distortion, Tony Yayo, Rage Against The Machine, 88 Fingers Louie, Chingo Bling, Crowbar, Wu Tang, Rebel Hell, Old Black Flag,WATCH THIS FUCKIN VIDEO BELOW !!!!!! IT'S THE FUNNIEST SHIT EVER !!!
I watch all movies. I'm a movie freak !! but I prefer horror flics. Some of my favorite movies are Halloween, The Devils Rejects, All The Pirates Of The Carribean Flics, 300, Behind The Mask The Rise Of Leslie Vernon, Boondock Saints, The Hills Have Eyes 1 & 2 (the remakes), Spaceballs, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the original), Old Boy, Battle Royale, Super Troopers, Shaun Of The Dead, Hot Fuzz, Clerks 1 & 2, Mallrats, House Of 1000 Corpses, GrindHouse, Kill Bill, Taladega Nights, The Warriors, Smokin Aces, Pitch Black, Ginger Snaps, The Lost Boys, Night Of The Living Dead, Dawn Of The Dead (the remake), Idiocracy, Meatballs, High Tension, The Crow, Napolean Dynamite
TV is great entertainment, people that think tv rots your brain are just weak minded and cant mentally fight off the subliminal messages..... I watch Metalocalypes, Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Lost, MXC, South Park, The Colbert Report, Harvey Birdman, Robot Chicken, Speeders, Rob & Big, Any Stand Up Comedy, The Soup
I FUCKIN LOVE TO READ!!! The Stand, I am Legend, Any Comic Written By Garth Ennis Or Mark Millar, Salems Lot, Red Dragon, The Gunslinger, Primal Fear, The Door To December, The Firm, Out Of Sight, Firestarter, The Summoning, Get Shorty, Have A Nice Day, Lord Of The Rings, Coyote Blue, Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas, IT, The Bachman Books, Hannibal, On A Pale Horse, Monster Island, Cell, Desperation, The Regulators, The Zombie Survival Guide, Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy, Evil Genius, Mankind Have A Nice Day, The Summoning, Battle Royale, Enders Shadow
I dont really have any, Ive never really had anyone to look up to.