SOCCER: Enjoy playing soccer with friends and people, enjoy watching soccer.......favorite team (United States Soccer Team) Basketball: Enjoy playing basketball with friends, watching Basketball.......favorite team (San Antonio Spurs) FOOTBALL Enjoying watching (Dallas Cowboys) Like to read Scifi topics, history, current events
MODERN MUSIC: Avril Lavigne, Gwen Stefani, Modest Mouse, Franz Ferdinand, Wall Flowers OLDIES : 1980s, 1970s (Disco and Classic Rock), 1960s, 1950s, and 1920s &30s Big Band
To name a few:Passion, Brave Heart, Count of Monte Cristo, Artificial Intelligence, the Replacements,Constantine,all Quiet On the Western Front, and it's a mad, mad, mad , mad world
Star Trek, Enterprise, Family Guy, Smallville, Drew Carrey, Space Ghost, Aqua Teen Hunger force
To Name a few: Count of Monte Cristo, Brave New World, Time Machine, War of the Worlds, Bless me Ultima and Comming of Age in Mississippi
POPE Benedict XVI, My Family, Mia Hamm (FormerU.S Women's Soccer player), Landon Donovan (U.S Men's Soccer player), Tim Duncan (San Antonio Spurs), GOKU (Anime)