watss popular kiddss ; thiss iss lexciee haccinqq my motherss profilee ; jusst wass droppinqq by too tell her i lovee her even thoo' i qet on her nervess all thee timee ; i knoee shee still dont noee wat im doinqq cuss shee kindd of slow in thee headd ; ahaha ; but yeahh ; we havee our upss andd downss jusst likee every teen andd their mother ; im likee her onlyy truee friendd (shee doesnt qet out mucc] ahaha ; well let me tell youu about her ; shee iss sometimess lovinqq other timess shee can andd will qet psyco ; shee hass four wonderful children ; me beinqq thee oldest(14] andd my husbandd elijahh beinqq thee younqest(sixx months old] ; andd yeahh shee is happily taken soo dont try ; if shee dont shut youu down better believe i will :); shee iss also very outqoinqq and lovess too lauqh(even when there iss nothinqq funnie] will let me stopp talkinqq crapp about my mother andd qet bacc too doinqq mee ; lovee youu mami !
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I'd like to meet:
I would love to meet Mario and Keith sweat,sir Charles