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Crack the whip

About Me

People who were born in this section of the year have unusually strong will power and great obstinacy of purpose. They are usually born to be fighters in every sense of the world: they have also the greatest ability as organizers on a large scale. They find themselves as the organizers of big schemes or as the heads of big businesses, and also in the organization and development of countries.They seem naturally to resent all criticism, and the only way to offset this in them is by quiet logic, reason, and proof.These people are usually independent in everything they do. It is really important for them to do everything in their own way, and if they are intervene with other people they generally loose the shapes of the main purpose, step back and let the other person take their place.As a rule they are unhappy in their domestic life. It is very difficult for such people to meet a member of the opposite sex who would understand them, and if opposition does not upset them from this point it usually does through their children.Yet these people, be they men or women, deeply, fervently and strongly desire for affection and sympathy, more than anything else, and this is generally the rock on which they are finally wrecked if they have not the good fortune to meet their right affinities.As far as material success or power is concerned, there are no heights to which persons born in this sign wouldn’t be able to. Success, however, is not making them feel really happy and satisfied.They are inclined to lack caution, being by nature impulsive and quick in thought and action.They are and inclined to mike enemies very easily. They are enormously ambitious, as a rule they succeed in life and gain money and position.The lower type of this sign will stick at nothing to accomplish their purpose. The higher type are good masters, but at the same time severe in discipline and more or less unbending in everything they expect from other people. All representatives of this sign have a distinct desire to peer into the future, perhaps because they are impatient for things to develop. They are inclined to prophesy what will take place, and are often succeed in that.As a general rule, the men born in this part of the year suffer a great deal through their affections; they seldom understand women, and make lots of serious mistakes in their relations with them.For both sexes, they are happy only at moments when they are absolutely absorbed with their work and manage to overcome of obstacles.All people and especially those who were born in this sign seldom get through life without receiving cuts, wounds, or blows to the head, either from accidents or violence.

My Interests

Martial arts. Music. Good Conversation. Acting. Family. Religion. Health. Weapons. Travel. Jamba Juice. Survival. Getting whats mine. 'Novelty' Items. Work. Chewy. Hooka. Sleep. Talking on the phone. Teaching. Voluteering. Other People's Problems. Burning towels to make persian rice.

I'd like to meet:

People that don't bug me. Opinionated people who speak the truth no matter how ugly it gets. Anyone who can carry on an intelligent conversation. More Sasha's. ;-)


Still working on that one. Suggestions are welcome.
Video code by www.Bia2.com


Tyler Perry series...Sex in the City...comedy...movies where girls are kicking some serious ass...


Wifey won't let me.


Oh that?...again...suggestions are welcome.


Jesus.My Grandmother.