Woop Woop! We're peyote, from Witney and love to gig, have fun and party. Come down to one of our shows and see for yourselves, We are a lot better then these recordings.
Freyafotography For gig pics and doing our new album work, she is great add her up banner is on page.
Sammie(peyote photographer) Thank you so much for taking our pics you do a great job and never charge we owe u a lot.
Gammy at Psudeo films Thanks alot mate for making our video below) XD
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My Interests
Member Since: 10/04/2008
Band Members:
Record Label: Unsigned
My Blog
Recording new album update!
Just an update on the album....piss up the wall we have got drum recorded and 2 with bassryan in studio on sunday for 2 songs and thengoing back to fletchy studios on monday to carry on with basskeep ... Posted by on Sat, 28 Mar 2009 14:39:00 GMT