PUT YOUR BIO SECTION HERE!Ladies and Gentleman!!!!!! A new constalation of super intelligent abused children found a bond and decided to create......??? We call ourselfs the CRACKCHILDREN our companion the nasty smell is like a ghost that you will never see because you should start believe that ghosts a real LOL only stupid idiots believe in Ghosts..... Then we have a frustrated chemic that has never managed to pass the first semester at the university.... He..'s stupid we just use him cause we're on Crack :D Well we're all gay wich gives us probably this undistructabale bond... well if dicks stick in asses u can see it as a bond :D All right thats enough for us, there is a new Nintendo Wii game coming out, and we want to be the first once to have it, if you read this NINTENDO we all look good we could make marketing campaigns for you. All right folks that was our introduction to the world i mean we know we're not very competent, that doesn't mather :( we can live with it.Peaz,Love,and Harmony from C-Crack, S-Crack, that little bitch L-Crack, the nasty smell, and the stupid scientist, that still didn't realize,thats he is a piece of shit.Oh my God how are we Five ever gonna make something happen? We don't.... people told us, your stupid, just keep going you won't notice if you're going to get fucked... to much Crack we guess oh well.......................................Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile[LOVEMYFLASH]