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Conscious Youth

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About Me

Treason 322 trying to start a conscious youth movement... in definition A CONSCIOUS YOUTH MOVEMENT is to pretty much to open up every young persons mind to "the real world"(corporate media,military recruiters,telivision programs,the war in iraq,even drugs,money,and sex)and come to the reality that the "real world" influencess every aspect of our every day lifes...from the prices of marijuana,alcohal, and yes even gas prices going up,gang violence mexicans killing mexicans,house negroes killing feild negroes, sons in prisons doing time with their fathers, daughters out on the streats turning into whores with their mothers, its easier for most of us in the struggle to get a gun and cheap drugs than an educacation...every non conscious person was taught to disrespect the women who gave birth to us and then given drugs and guns so we could kill each other out on the streats so the BEAST doesnt have to...HOPEFULLY IM ABLE TO WAKE THE YOUTH BEFORE ITS TO LATE!!!! WHATCH MY FIRST VIDEO IF YOU HAVE AN OPEN MIND IT EXPLAINS WHY WE NEED A CONSCIOUS YOUTH TO SURVIVE AND PASS DOWN OUR CULTURE TO OUR CHILDREN BEFORE WE FORGET IT!!!!!!!!!

My Blog


MKULTRA Documents 1977 Senate MKULTRA HearingIn June 1977, a rare cache of MKULTRA documents were discovered, which had escaped destruction by the CIA. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence he...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 16:34:00 GMT


Reptilian humanoids are intelligent, supernatural, or highly developed reptile-like humanoids in mythology, popular fiction, Nazi mysticism and fringe theories. They also appear in some conspiracy the...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 12:37:00 GMT