Hey my name is Kevin, im 17, about 6'2" and 175 lbs. Im a senior at the big Bowie High School. I spend a lot of time with my beautiful girlfriend, Andrea, I love her to death and I dont know what I would do without her. We have been together for more than 3 years and it has been great. I live in Bowie so the only thing there really is to do is drink some ice cold Bud Light or go out of town.
Hey Kevin
For Texans Only
Shiner Bock or Miller Light Shiner
Gruene Hall or Billy Bobs Billy Bobs
Riverwalk or Tubin' the river Tubin
Univeristy of Texas or A&M UT
Dublin Dr. Pepper or Sweet Tea Sweet Tea
South Padre or Corpus Christi Dunno, never been
Dallas nightlife or Fort Worth nightlife Ft. Worth, its more country
The State fair or The Houston livestock and rodeo Show and Rodeo
Varisty Blues or Dazed and Confused Varsity Blues
Texas Flag or Confederate Flag Both are badass
List your favorite...
Texas City Ft. Worth
Bar/Dancehall Billy Bobs i guess
Place to fish A tank
Band/Artist Jason Boland
Place to eat BBQ The Smokehouse
Beer Bud Light
Famous Texas G.W.
Thing about Texas Everything, Texas is the shit