Welcome to the page. This page is bigger than one persons ideas, thoughts, hopes, dreams and concerns. We have compiled a database of Videos, Movies, Songs, Links, Documents and a Chat Room to bring to light the corruption of individuals/Bankers who have hijacked our Government ignoring the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We hope this site helps you to realize what is going on in the world today. What you do with this information is entirley your choice. We do not support Propoganda of anykind. What we do support here is The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and The U.S.A. Voice/Webcam chat coming soon.
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1. This is a Members Only Chat Room. As a guest I will need to make you a member for you to participate in and see the Chat.
2. Press the Sign In Button.
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C. At that point you should be able to see the Chat.
D. To Change Your Name click on your screenname
E. Please make your name your Myspace name.
1. This is America....You have the Freedom Of Speech In My Chatroom. The only thing I ask....Dont be overly vulgar and abusive towards anyone in chat. You can debate...agree and disagree....but don't stoop to the abuse level.....
2. Please by all means use the Chat Room even while I am away. The Patriot Nation is all about building an educated community of people.
"The Patriot Nation" does not Support, Agree with, Disagree with or Condone any or all views expressed on this page or in the Chat rooms. We do support your right to the 1st Ammendment on this page. You are Free to speak as you wish on this page or in the Chat Rooms. You are responsible for your own actions. This Page and it's contents were designed to inform and educate anyone who wishes to participate in this page. What you do with these videos, evidence and Chat Rooms is entirely your choice. We do not support Propoganda of any kind. What we do support is Freedom, The Constitution and the Bill Of Rights."
Enjoy The Page.....
"The Patriot Nation"
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