DareiHabitza profile picture


About Me

Darei Habitza (hebrew for The Swamp Tenants) is a semi-fictitious musical collective, located somwhere at the shorelines of Israel. The collective was formed at the humid summer of the foul year of our Lord, 2004. The band specializes in producing subversive, satiric lyrics, concerning various aspects of the state of Israel in the recent decade, all wraped up in convenient musical forms (more or less).THE TEXTS involve political and social themes: immigration, corruption, racism, poverty, law, and many more.THE MUSIC consists of various genres , including hassidic, reggae, a-capela, Israeli military bands, jazz, blues, and many more. The band recorded one album so far, "Lechem Vesha'ashuim", still awaiting for release.IMPORTANT: WE NEED A DRUMMER! BADLY! IF YOU ARE 1) A DRUMMER, OR CAN GET ONE. 2) LIKED OUR STUFF. 3) WANT TO JOIN IN PLEASE CONTACT THIS ADRESS- [email protected]. HURRY, HURRY- YOUR LIFE MAY DEPAND ON IT!!..

My Interests


Member Since: 09/04/2008
Band Members: Maor Arbitman-voice, guitars, bass guitar, programming, xylophone. Yochai Wolf-voice, guitars, alto sax, melodica, keyboards, percussion. Shimry Mesika-voice, Sharas guitar, piano.
Influences: Habiluim, Giraffot, David Hume, Aris Sun, Yehuda Keisar, Lehakat Hanachal, No Smoking Orchestra, Hakeves Hashisha'asar, Tom Waits, Kurt Weil, Tom Jobim, John Coltrane,Thelonious Monk, Frantz Kafka, Anton Chekov, Galgalatz kitch, Captain Beefheart, Robert Fripp, Marc Ribot, Chaim Romano,Shoshana Damari.
Sounds Like: A male Chicken tries to eat Shakshuka while a vicious snale stabs him in the back.
Record Label: Unsigned

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