WRASTLIN GATORS!!! miguel, mizz connors, 1978 gold pontiac trans am firebird t-top with tan interior!! musclecars, loud music, 1985, monster truck rallies, roller skating (i remember when it was cool the first time!), my garbage pail kid collection
NY"s finest***SHOTGUN WEDDING***, JOURNEY, HEART, aesop rock, midnight movies, peaches, astropop3, the roots, old method man shit, letigre, metric, kenna, zeppelin, radiohead, portishead, pavement, el-p, sonic youth,the strokes, PAT BENATAR, saves the day, the donnas, john lennon, pink floyd, gang of four, the cure, elliot smith, billy fuckin idol, stevie ray vaughn
true romance (your so cool your so cool your so cool), beautiful girls, office space,almost famous, virgin suicides, purple rain, LEGEND OF BILLY JEAN, say anything, heathers, one crazy summer, pretty in pink, summer camp nightmare, the warriors, better off dead, high fidelity, clueless, teen witch, goonies, over the top, commando, empire records, clerks, roadhouse, dazednconfused, dirty dancing, toxic avenger(homage to brian terrible), back to the future part1, scarface
BEST SHOW THAT NEVER MADE IT PAST THE PILOT-buck rogers, sopranos, sex and the city, friends, old 90210 reruns, that 70's show, the OC, the apprentice, scrubs, trading spaces, wheel of fortune
the giving tree, where the sidewalk ends, celestine prophecy(jj*), everyone poops, taxi driver wisdom
stevie ray vaughn and steve perry ..