New friends always rock, and people with the same interests as me. And that one girl who'll love me for me, not just because I look some "cute" emo boy haha xD.
I remember meeting Oscar on Halloween when I went to a friend's house. Oscar and his friends happily invited me to play a game of Super Smash Bros. Brawl and I accepted the invitation. I kicked his ass xD haha noooo, not really.... but he said I wasn't too bad for a kid who had never played that game before. Yaaaay ^^. Anyway after that he started hanging out with me more and more as we prepared for anime expo 2009 and all I've really got to say is this: Oscar is the greatest guy I've ever met, he's seen me through my ups, my downs, my happys, my sads, and my uglehz o.o.... but never once did he judge me. I feel that meeting Oscar was defiantly part of my destiny <3I <3 you Oscar xD,
--hellO ppl wEll Im mArIsOl hAckIng OscArItOs pAgE<3wll I met hIm On mYspAce! hEs A rEAlly AwEsOmE gUy tO tAlk tO! He mAkEs mE lAugh Oh And i mEmbEr dAt OnE dAy wE wErE tAlkIng AnD hE dId thIs kYoOt fUnnY FacE --> :I <-- mAn wEn I sAw It, it mAdE mE crAck Up AlOt And It mAdE mE pEe On mYsElf [nO lIE] wEll lIkE I wAs sAyIng hEs sUpEr nIcE And vEry rEspEctfUl gUy I rEally lIkE thAt AbOUt hIm Oh And hEs kyOOt tOo!<33 I Feel Like I Can Trust this Guy. And AnOthEr kOol thIng Is thAt Our b-dAy is on deE sAmE dAy [nOvEmbEr 10] right Oscar? lol wEll mEmbEr thAt im AlwAys hErE fOr yOU OscAr! OkIe dokIE? Oh And mEmbEr bOut gOing tO deE mOvIEs?! wE hAvE tO mAkE dAt haPpEn sOon =>
I rEally wAnt tO mEet yOu..Oh And kEep It Up At skOol UrE a rEAlly sMaRt gUy, yOu wnt hAvE prOblEms wIth thAt Oh And Ill prAy soOo yOu cAn fInd A jOb soOn<3 =]
lOvE mArIsOl =]
Hey hey homes This is Susie hackin into my homies page teehee*
Hes one of the most sweetest, nieces, *ka-utest * guys I have ever met :)...I really enjoy talking to him when i get the chance. I can always talk to him for hours and hours and never get tired of his RANDOM funny conversations ^^ Their just so much fun teehee*
Im so glad I met him.
If it wasn't for my sister I would of never gotten to know him but thankfully i added him and we ended up being such good buddies (^-^)=)
we never really get to see each other much, but when we do It so much fun!!!...I hope I get to see him soon again:D
I trust him with all my corazon [♥]
I can always tell him my secrets cus I know he wouldn't open his bocita teehee*=]
he always listens to all my problems and he would always cheer me up and put a HUGE smile in my face =))))
He never lets me down and I wouldn't ether!!
I never ever want to lose him.
I just hope our friendship lasts forever:>!..I wObEs Yew Oscar =))♥
teehee* (^-^)<333