using clothing as a front to hide my insecurities using my mac guyer skills to make zack morris cell phones outa dunks.(post picture- i gave these shoes away to a struggling euro kid who wanted them. i was going to destroy them after nike ripped off minor threat but when i gave them to the kid he fucking exploded. that was one of best feelings in a long time.)
people that get it. 80s ian mackaye + black flag herny rollins+ per welinder all rolled into oneand these dudes
hip hop from the 80s -'97 Left for Dead,Jerry's Kids,Catharis, Judge,Formaldehyde Junkies, Tear It Up, Floorpunch, Trial,The Adolesents, Bane,Crossed Out, Minor Threat, Justice, The Fucking Champs,Punch In the Face, Charles Bronson,Lack of Intrest, Get it Away, Vitman X,Carry On, Dead Kenedys, Lights Out, JFA... how much time you got i could on for ever i like anything that makes me either want to backspin, go side to side, or skate
im blind i can only see movies in braille
TV SUCKS... cause it objectifies, degrates pretty much any human flaw...
i burn books
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