Shinra mangler nå trommeslager, og vi er på jakt etter en ny en!
Send en mail på
[email protected] med litt info om deg selv, gjerne litt erfaring om du har, og kontaktinfo. Vi holder til i Oslo, så det er greit om du har mulighet til å komme deg dit ganske enkelt.
Du kan også ringe Christer på 95781894 (eller sende en sms om det er ønskelig) .
Vi vil virkelig fortsette med det her, så hyl ut om du har noen interesse for det her! Vi planlegger å spille inn nye ting, samt at vi har et par konserter så og si klare.. Vi mangler bare en trommeslager som er energisk, positiv og gira på det vi gjør!
The band was formed by Linda and Hanne, and Ivar soon followed. After a couple of years, and a bunch of line-up changes, the band was finally set and Shinra had found their true form. Christer joined on vocals, and soon after that Bjørnar came along as a bassplayer. All the members of Shinra had already other projects under their belt, but used their wisdom and experiences from previous bands to make what Shinra is today. The band itself contains elements from hardcore, metal, screamo and indie, combining them all to make something that every member is proud of. Bands such as Walls of Jericho, Hatebreed and Unearth have had a significant influence on the band, but so has band such as Saetia, Orchid, At The Drive-In, Quantice Never Crashed and The Promise Ring. Every individual in Shinra has their own genre or set of inspirations they go by, but they all combine it and make something that shoots straight from their hearts and mind; They make music with passion.
We recorded a demo the 9th and 10th of may. It can be yours for only $5! Cheap as hell, right? Shipping won't be any more than $3 either.. The demo consists of the two songs we have here on myspace. The covers are Argiato! Paks from, which we did the artwork on ourselves. The demo is handnumbered to 50 copies. Everyone comes with a lyricsheet in colors, as well as a little "thank you!" note from the band. And of course, we'll write a personal letter just for you if you order a copy.. So, click the PayPal-button, and we'll ship it over as soon as possible! ..
Shinra is the kind of band who'd love to play anywhere, anytime.. In your bedroom, at your parents house, at the local old-peoples home, we're there.. If you'd like us to play sometime, don't hesitate to send us a message, and we'll try to work something out!