I am an extremely creative person taking after my Heavenly Father. I love to create things. I am an artist, fashion designer, singer/songwriter, actor/writer and choreographer. The Lord has blessed me with so many gifts and my greatest joy is helping others reach their full potential by walking in their God given destiny. I believe that God has put me here to help enhance, improve and change lives through the arts built on a foundation of His Word.
I am married to Freeman, the coolest cat that walks the face of this earth who is simply brilliant and multi-talented as well. I love to teach children and I have two awesome kids of my own, Delali and Michael.
I purposely hang around people who understand that this life is not about what you can get but what you get to give. I admire those who understand their purpose and are actively walking in it. I love to fellowship with people who pursue the things of God.
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!