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The 1st Annual Medicine Park Paranormal Conference was a great success!! We would like to thank everyone who were able to attend. All of those who couldn't we would like to invite you to next years event. The ghost/history walk was surprisingly successful as well. Of course, Spell was awesome and put on a great show. Thanks to those guys for coming out and entertaining the masses. They all donated their time to be there. Thank you! Plans for next years event are already in the works.
First, I want to tell everyone out there something up front; I have heard some people have some complaints about the graphics and the profile music on some groups sites. My graphics are there because I choose them and I am not going to change it until I am ready to do so. The music I have on my profile is the band of a very special person in my life. I WILL NOT change it for any reason. The one thing I can say is if you don't like the music then hit the stop button on the player...pretty simple. The only way the music will change is if and when they add a new song to upload. It is now and always will be the music of my friend. Sorry, but that is just the way it is.
I am a paranormal investigator and former fire fighter/EMT. I have been in this ghost hunting thing for a few years now and have been on more investigations in that time than I can really count. I have been able to work with some of the best groups out there. I am currently working with SWOGC here in Lawton. I am Research/Historian for the team. Achieving professional investigations and results is job one. I have worked with this team unoffically for about three years. Prior to this, I was co-founder of a team in Texas. Paranormal investigating is a hobby and a passion. As a fire fighter I learned even more about respecting the dead. This helps me in the paranormal field as well. I was asked recently why I must explain to the spirits what I am doing when I set up equipment in a room. I feel it is something that you should do (no matter how stupid it may look to someone else) since you are invading their space. They live there, I am only visiting. Some of these spirits have been there a very long time and may not know what a digital voice recorder is. A modern camera may look completely different than they are use to. They may have never seen such a thing as a video recorder and they need to know what it is used for. I think it helps put them at a little more ease if you explain yourself to them. I have actually had better luck asking permission to photograph them and/or explaining what I am doing than when I have not said a word. Put yourself in their shoes. If someone from the future showed up at your house with all of this strange, high-tech equipment you would be a little intimidated. Besides, some of the best EVP I have heard comes across when there is a normal conversation taking place in the room. I am only trying to show them a little respect by explaining what we are doing in their home. ..
**This page was formed out of the basic need to unite groups and people with an interest in the world of paranormal investigation. I have personally been (although informally for most of it) investigating the paranormal for about 30 years. There seems to be too much negative energy being thrown out on the web, too much team bashing and way too many personal attacks. This is a forum for all teams to come together and express ideas WITHOUT the fear being called names. Any negative remarks will be removed. Period. This is a place where we can share thoughts, photos, videos, etc. and get real input.
....We are all here for one common goal; prove or disprove the world of paranormal. We are not scientist and we are not experts on the paranormal. I know what I have seen and experienced over the past few years of investigating. I do believe in the paranormal. But, at the same time, I do everything I can to debunk. You must try to debunk before you can believe.
....If you have a location you believe may be haunted or if you just have any questions please feel free to email me. I will return all emails as soon as possible to set up the next step. There are several teams we work with here in the state as well as Texas that we can use at any point in time to help. We will do what we can to help and/or answer any questions you may have.
....Now, sit back, relax and enjoy!
..Currently Seeking Investigations!!
We are currently seeking haunted locations in the Lawton and Southwestern Oklahoma for investigations. Please make sure you can provide all needed documentation before the interview process for any structure other than your own private residence!! This is very important. As stated above, there will be an interview process to determine if the site meets our criteria to warrant an investigation. We take this very seriously and expect the same from our contacts. And, please, no vampires, werewolves, demons, or monsters. Let's get rolling!