Never Miss Anyone From Your Past, There's A Reason Why They Didn't Make It To Your Future.....♦♦
All this Thanks to Xgenerators.com
♦♦My fave rappers n singers like TuPac (n e thingz possible), Luda, T.i, Spectacular, ll cool j n hella more but id love 2 meet cool people here on MYSPACE....oh yea...tupac shakur, 2pac, makaveli...n tupac!! i would also like to meet real people....people who know wat they want in life and are doin everything they can to fulfill that shit♦♦
OoOoO yea...Feed my monkey!! N u can play with him too!! se llama monkeeeee!!! (stress those e's) LOL :D :p :P
adopt your own virtual pet!
♠La fAMiLiA MeNdEz & RaMiReZ♠
Mi FaMiLiA SiEmPre pRiMeRo
My BiiG BrUh
MAii HuSbAnD
tHe SaNcHO
WaNnA SeE MoRe?
If YoU'rE wAiTiNg FoR mE tO fAiL, uR tImE iS rUnNiNg OuT oN tHaT cLoCk, Im RuNnInG tO tHe FiNiSh, YeA, wHeN i GeT tHeRe I aInT gOnNa StOp. SuCcEsS iS wHaT i CoUlDnT hAvE, bUt NoW i TeLl ThEm LoOk WaT i GoT... ~Chamillionaire~
crash, atl, how high, next friday, poetic justice, juice, longest yard, dont be a menace 2 south central while drinking ur juice in the hood, menace II society, blood in blood out, american me, ATL, Take the Lead, n e thing dat got mai baby PAC in it, n e thang with Marlon Wayans, n hella more......
Graphics & Layouts
Family Guy, South Park, The Simpsons, ANTM, MUZiK ViDEOS OF COURSE!! BET n e thang worth watchin ..
sInCe We AlL cAmE fRoM a WoMaN GoT oUr NaMe FrOm A wOmAn AnD oUr GaMe FrOm A wOmAn i WoNdEr WhY wE tAkE fRoM oUr WoMeN, wHy We RaPe OuR wOmEn, Do We HaTe OuR wOmEn? i ThInK iT's TiMe To KiLl FoR oUr WoMeN, tImE tO hEaL oUr WoMeN, bE rEaL tO oUr WoMeN aNd If We DoN't We'Ll HaVe A rAcE oF bAbIeS tHaT wIlL hAtE tHe LaDiEs, ThAt MaKe ThE bAbIeS aNd SiNcE a MaN cAn'T mAkE oNe He HaS nO rIgHt To TeLl A wOmAn WhEn AnD wHeRe To CrEaTe OnE sO wIlL tHe ReAl MeN gEt Up I kNoW yOu'Re FeD uP lAdIeS, bUt KeEp YoUr HeAd Up ~THE LATE GREAT TUPAC SHAKUR 1971-1996 R.I.P PAPI~ ... ♠♠♠♠♠♠♠&spa des;♠♠♠♠♠♠♠ ♠♠♠♠♠♠♠&spa des;♠♠♠♠♠♠♠ ♠♠♠♠♠♠♠&spa des;♠♠♠ In The Event OF My Demise In the event of my demise when my heart can beat no more, I hope i die for a principle or a belief that I had lived for, I will die before my time because I feel the shadow's depth, so muich i wanted to accomplish before i reached my death, I have come to grips with the possibility and wiped the last tear from my eyez, I loved all who were positive in the even of my demise. My Papi in Heaven: Tupac Amaru Shakur 1971-1996 ♠♠♠♠♠♠♠ .....
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