&hearts Syafrah Ashadi
&hearts she is sanguine phlegmatic.
&hearts the meaning? look it up urself.
&hearts she is an extrovert.
&hearts she talks a lot.
&hearts kinda emotional at times.
&hearts she is definitely cheerful and bubbling over.
&hearts she makes friends easily bcoz she loves people.
&hearts envied by others which doesnt bother her a bit.
&hearts loving spontaneous activities.
&hearts she has compassion and concern.
&hearts but she is kinda lazy and careless.
&hearts she is indeed sarcastic and teasing.
&hearts sometimes she cant help but to judge others.
&hearts for some people she's too happy and may seem phony but SHE IS NOT.
&hearts she has definitely loud voice and laugh.
&hearts dont mess with her coz she gets angry easily.
&hearts and she never grows up. coz she doesnt want to.
&hearts grown ups are no fun.
&hearts : which are u? sanguine? phlegmatic? choleric? or melancholy? find it out! =p: &hearts