Yo! The Movement is a non-profit youth development organization - by youth and for youth - that hosts, promotes and implements safe events, programs, and happenings for youth and young adults in Minnesota. We believe youth should have greater influence and genuine ownership in the programs intended to serve them.
Yo! The Movement is "youth organizing for POWER, PLACES, and PERKS."
POWER - Realizing your own personal power in relationship to the wider community and ability to create change.
PLACES - Creating and identifying safe spaces for youth.
PERKS - Providing opportunities for involvement in positive activities (stipends, elective credit, retreats, volunteer hours).
EYS (Express YourSelf)
Yo! The Movement Teen Planning Group
EYS (ExpressYourSelf) is a hip hop based youth operated collective powered by Yo! The Movement committed to educate and motivate youth through the avenues of art, political activism, and open, honest, and active conversation to better perfect the social structures around them.
For 8 years the collective has met weekly to create and identify opportunities for teens to have a legitimate role in arts activities, civic engagement, and welcoming spaces for teens.
EYS plans and implements monthly Yo! shows (the Kick-it Spot @ The Dinkytowner Cafe) with local and upcoming artists, art projects, networking opportunities, and activities for them and their peers. They have also planned Bike Trips (Bike Jones), Visual Art Galleries, Open Mics, Citywide Talent Shows, collaborated with local organizations on community events, and planning of The Twin Cities Annual Celebration of Hip Hop.
Meeting for EYS are on Wednesdays from 5:00-6:00pm at the Yo! office. For more information contact [email protected].
Yo! Fellows
Yo! The Movement Teen Fellowship
Over the course of a year the Yo! Fellowship Program works to engage and educate 15 teens of color residing in North Minneapolis in the ares of education, health/wellness, employment, and arts/entertainment/music. We assess each students goals for self development and their goals for their community; through educational field trips/retreats, mentoring, and group discussions/lectures we move to reach each students individual goals and teach them how to maintain and share their experience with their peers and community.
- Working directly with school administration and teachers to identify areas of need for students in our program.
- Identify post-secondary opportunities, visit colleges, and help fill out applications and scholarship forms. Lets make it happen!!
- Historical, cultural, identity trainings.
- Civic engagement, recognizing your power.
- Field trips to events, conferences, museums, art centers.
- Participation in community arts projects.
- Planning events.
- Physical activities/exercise.
- Sexual health education (STDs, knowing your body, teen pregnancy).
- Nutrition and healthy living education.
- Stipend opportunities for participation.
- Assistance in job searches, filing our applications, identifying references, and building resumes.
- Providing opportunities to join Yo! Staff.
We moved!!! Come by to see the new office inside the Kwanzaa Community Center!
2100 Emerson Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55411
[email protected]
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How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace editor .