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About Me

I consider my self to be a driven, successful, intelligent, independent,and down to earth woman (no biast opinion here, lol.) I love laughing and tend to mess with my friends and joke with them a lot. We try not to take life too seriously but there are times when I'm upset the serious side will dominate. I tend to be a tom boy and like things guys like to do but still like to be a girly girl depending on the situation. I have never been married and do not have any children. I am an Engineer/Scientist and have been in this line of work for over 12 years now. I have a BS in Computer Science and am currently working on my Master through University of Southern Cali in Systems Architecture and Engineering (this program is ranked 7th in the country for this masters degree.)
So I always get the question why am I not married? Answer: see below, and I worked full time since I was like 20 on defense programs, got hired and they paid for my college (that rarely happens today, it is competitive today and a BS is usually a minimum for a defense contractor to hire you, I was in advanced systems working on stuff that you can't go to school for), so I worked full time, went to college part time and ran in the fire department for 7-8 years of that time. Not a lot of time for anything else. Not to mention when I see the relationships others are in that are married it scares me because people are cheating and can't stand each other and getting married for the wrong reasons which really makes me wonder if that is what I want. I do but I want to ensure it is my soul mate, if such thing exists. I'll let you know if I find one.
I am a very passionate person. There have been some things that shaped who I am. First my wonderful parents who gave me a wonderful stable childhood. My parents are still married. The people who were there for me when I was 20 yrs old (12 years ago) when my boyfriend got into a motorcycle accident (such as Carla and the guys at Falmouth when everyone else wanted an scape goat (that ended up being me) so they didn't have to feel guilty for not being there for him and didn't know if he was saved) and was in a coma for about a week and died (he got saved right before he died (I had him in Christian couseling and no one knew but a couple really close people,) thanks be to God he works in mysterious ways.) Jamie Lee Snellings we will never forget you. I will always love you! Jamie was in the fire department vol. at Falmouth and Career in Spotsylvania. I asked God why he would bring him into my life only to take him from me and cause me years of pain! Then it hit me: Is God to bring only people into my life to witness to that won't die, aren't they the ones that need it the most? That whole experience changed who I am as a person. People I thought who cared turned on me and prevented me from being there when he died while his mother was waiting for me to get there before they took him off the life support machines, or the girl who pretended to be his gf and lied to everyone told them she thought she might be pregnant, Jennifer Windsor you are truely a sick sick person! People were extremely cruel to me during that time and eventually all realized over time what they did to me was wrong and asked for forgiveness in their own ways and I had to let that hurt and anger go and forgive them. I went from a selfish person in which the world revolved around me to a humbled person that learned what was really important in life such as helping other people realizing that people you love die and can't always be there for you no matter how much they love you or you love them! I learned I needed to be able to take care of myself and go to school and get an education.
Me as a person: I am an extremely loyal friend and girlfriend. I try to help my friends and loved ones mostly with tough love. Doing what is best for them rather than what they want at that moment. I am also very passionate person when I am upset. I tend to believe when I am upset it most likely is justified in some way. You can ask my friends they will tell you I am a fair and just person that tries to do the right things. If there was a situation where a friend and a stranger came up to me and asked my opinion, I'm the person that will tell you like it is no matter if my friend is wrong. I think my friends agree, when people want a honest opinion they call me. My parents taught me that you should always be honest and be a person of your word and I totally agree with them.
I always try to see the good in people but I have learned that there are a lot of messed up people out there and you should treasure your true friends because they are a very hard thing to come by. I am very blessed to have some friends that I know would never betray me especially for a guy. Love you guys!
I'll write more later.

My Interests

Boating on my boat, tubing, skiing, jet skiing, rollerblading, sleigh riding, used to vol. in the fire department (miss that sometimes but not the drama, lol), video games, research, dancing. I would really like to start doing a lot more traveling in the next couple years.

I'd like to meet:

People that are driven to make a difference for the good in life and that are not selfish and/or shallow. Friends with good hearts and intentions. Intelligent and funny people with good morals and values that set a good example in life for others. People that stand up for what is right. Honest, trustworthy, and loyal friends! :)


Nine Inch Nails, as well as pretty much all other types of music..


Chris Rock Bigger and Blacker (Funny stuff), Matrix, Walk the Line, Gone with the Wind, I like all types of movies, depends on the mood I'm in....Comedy is by far my favorite.. I love to laugh!


Family Guy, History, Discovery, Military Channel, ect. Future Weapons, Prison Break, Beyond Tomorrow, I like geeky stuff and funny stuff the most.


I read too much educational junk in school and at work so I do not care to read in my spare time....I like visual aids...


Parents for sacrificing so much so we could have a better life, Jesus, My old bosses from Dahlgren Warfare Center that mentored me and believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself! People brave enough to stand up and do the right thing when others won't!