Vous pratiquez un instrument de musique ?Vous avez un niveau fin de second cycle (7 ans de pratique) ou plus ?Contactez le Conservatoire Municipal de Mérignac (05 56 12 19 40) et venez partager votre passion à l'orchestre dans une ambiance studieuse et conviviale !Vous gérez une salle de spectacle, un service culturel communal ou inter-communal ?N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour inviter notre formation à l'occasion d'un concert dans votre salle/votre ville!
The Mérignac Symphony Orchestra, part of the Municipal Conservatoire of the town of Mérignac (on the outskirts of Bordeaux), brings together 50 to 60 musicians from instrument classes at the Conservatoire of Mérignac, as well as amateur musicians, and receives the occasional support of professional musicians. Since it was founded in the year 2000 under the direction of Eric Roulet, then under Pascal Apparailly, the Mérignac Symphony Orchestra has performed in a number of concert halls across Mérignac, such as Pin Galant, Krakatoa and Salle de la Glacière. The orchestra has also had many concerts in Bordeaux and its suburbs, for example at the Salle du Solarium in Gradignan and Carré des Jalles in Saint-Médard-en-Jalles. In addition, the orchestra has performed in churches, outdoors in parks across Mérignac, and at the Place du Parlement in Bordeaux centre. It has even performed in Spain during an exchange in 2004 with an orchestra from Vilanova i la Geltrù, Catalogne, town twinned with Mérignac.
Pour cette nouvelle saison 2008/2009, nous sommes heureux d'accueillir au sein de l'Orchestre de nouveaux musiciens :
Violons : Marion Crepeau, Clara Delperier, Charlotte François, Lysmée Mobio, William Theviot, Raphaël Suspene
Alto : Eugénie Sentucq
Contrebasse : David Janin
Hautbois : Eric Sztil
Clarinette: Adrien Clupot
Trompette : Loic Guennéguez
Trombonne : Vincent Boesch