Member Since: 08/04/2008
Influences: De Louis Armstrong que j'imitais quand j'avais 4 ans à Stevie Wonder, Al Jarreau de Look at the Rainbow, Billie Holiday, John Lennon, Bob Marley, Toots, Winston Rodney, Jim Morrison, Cassandra Wilson, le GOspel, Liz Mc Comb, Lauryn Hill, Jazzmatazz, Omar, A Tribe called Quest, and so many more...les natifs amérindiens, la tribu Lakota et plus particulièrement Wallace Black Elk et Andrew Thunderdog, l'INIPI, the Heart of ONE etc...en passant par les champs de canne à sucre, la libération des mémoires, la conscience planétaire et inter-galactique, le retour au Ceur de l'UN et toute musique qui touche le coeur, fait danser le corps, sourire les cellules et fais vibrer l'âme en vue de la Nouvelle Terre :)
sans distinction de genre ou limitation de style...
Music also is Universality and ONEness into the multiplicity given by the "touch" and cultural background of each drop of the great ocean we all belong to...
Music to me is certainly not an "ego" thing, it is meant to Unite people and celebrate the gift of Life
Each of us is bringing his own touch, his own color in the bright spectrum of the rainbow of pure Love that we originally are, and going back to in the NOW...
Type of Label: Unsigned