Next Station profile picture

Next Station

About Me

ИДЕЯТА: Идеята изникна доста спонтанно, но пък за сметка на това се опитваме да я реализираме с каквото можем. Не искаме да поставяме ограничения на хората, а се опитваме да им дадем свобода за изява. С по-прости думи казано, в България за един човек е доста трудно да се реализира, освен ако някой не му даде начален тласък. Това е Идеята и ще се опитаме да помогнем с каквото и както можем.
ЦЕЛТА: Проста и ясна! Шанс за реализация на хора занимаващи се предимно с електронна музика, както и условия за контакт с вече утвърдили се артисти.
THE IDEA: It came spontaneously, but we are making an effort to make it happen with whatever we can. Our goal is not to limit people, just the opposite. It is difficult for young people in Bulgaria to develop and reach their potential, not just in the music business. It is our goal to set the ball rolling for them in that specific area - music.
THE PURPOSE: Simple and clear! It is to give people, who are interested in all types of breakbeat music (such as Drum and Bass, Breakcore, IDM, Hip Hop etc.), the opportunity to show their potential online or even onstage. We can achieve our purpose through common efforts and we want to Thank You for your support and understanding.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/8/2008
Band Website:

Record Label: Next Station

My Blog

October Live Shows

01.10.2008Wednesday21:00 Monthly Production Night 22:00 Like 2 Move Promo Show + Special Game with Invites /DJs: Kickon, Crash, Bruhu, Fiks/  02.10.2008Thursday21:00 - Let's go to Shumen / studio...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Oct 2008 02:59:00 GMT

September Live Shows

10.09.2008Wednesday21:00 - Interview with Fiks, Wan and Herba K21:30 - Fiks b2b Wan b2b Herba K (dj set)Comment 11.09.2008Thursday21:00 - Interview with Aspect and MayDark21:30 - Aspect (Drumroll...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 01:12:00 GMT