J Silverman profile picture

J Silverman

I am here for Friends

About Me

Born and raised in good 'ol Sayville, NY, I enjoyed soccer, skating, and especially snowboarding. About a week after graduating from High School my folks bought a farm and moved to Virginia. I moved to bum fu....I mean New London, CT to attend the Coast Guard Academy. To sum up how it went there, I was finally allowed to graduate after 4.5 years. I did have an awesome time though...even though it sucked. Yeah...figure that one out. Anyways, it was off to Key West were I ripped it up despite not being able to surf or snowboard. I was able to somehow trick them into letting me move to San Diego where I now currently reside. I am in love with this place and never want to leave. There is always something going on and I can surf and snowbaord in the same day...what more could I ask for?

My Interests

If it involves a board and not being bored I am there. Surfing seems to be the primary right now, but come winter I am all about the snowboarding trips. We will see how it goes. I gotta try and get back into soccer one of these days too.

I'd like to meet:

Unlike everyone else on here...I am not trying to use this as a dating service. I would like to try and catch up with everyone though.


Well...I like a bunch of different Genre's...country is not one of them!
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Anything with Ryan Renolds...I am not gay...he is just awesome. Van Wilder, Dumb and Dumber, Super Troopers, Karate Kid (the original), Goonies, The Notebook. Pretty much I find some artistic value in almost every movie.


Not too much time for TV.... Always time for UFC though. Blind Date and Elimidate still crack me up. Max X...and any other show that shows people getting messed up. Daily Show...thats were I get my news. Sport Center Football on sunday even though there is a commercial every five seconds...


Anything by Thomas Harris, Pipe Dreams, Blink (its not about a band thanks Greg)


Mom and Dad...for actually dealing with me. My Uncle Peter. Yeah after that can't really commit to anyone.