shadiah profile picture


Good friends are like don't always see them, but know they are always there.

About Me

I'm pretty much a happy person. I get along well with others. I love my family and friends. I like meeting new people and traveling to new experiences.....a friend once told me that your 20's are for finding out who you are and what you want to become. Right now, I'm a waitress/hair stylist/Mary Kay Beauty Consultant....trying to figure out my niche.

My Interests

my dog/fajitas/chick flicks/road trips/vegas/friends/family/reading/hiking/my favorite little sisters/makeup/hair/wine tasting..
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I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people who are comfortable in their own skin....who think for themselves. I love it when people can make me lol until I'm crying. I'd like to make friends, male or female, who like to have fun, love the sunshine, dogs, traveling, books, family, friends and let's not forget Jimmy Buffett! Please send me a message before a friend request : )


i love garden state soundtrack . jimmy buffett . coldplay . jack johnson . nickelback . dixie chicks . kenny chensey . ryan adams . anything goes....really..... ..
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wedding crashers // garden state // napoleon dynamite // ferris buellers day off // lost in translation // never been kissed // breakfast club // bridget jones diary // 16 candles // my big fat greek wedding // braveheart // if lucy fell // 10 things i hate about you // as good as it gets // and the list goes on....


Don't watch much....I like the closer, house,'s hit or miss when i turn on the tv


kite runner . the perks of being a wallflower . stephanie plum novels. . ...i ♥ reading! if you have any favorites, i'd love to hear about them


my parents

My Blog

Quote of the day.....

"Keep away from those who belittle your ambitions.  Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great."  ~ Mark Twain This is my quote of the d...
Posted by shadiah on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 01:48:00 PST