Myspace Layouts at / Thru the skies
This Page was designed by Claudio PesaventoOn Friday the 21st of March I was sitting at home up in Washington State. I got a call from Victor from the Rainbow telling me possibly the worst news I could ever hear, "George, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Jerry passed away today". I can't tell you how that moment brought me to my knees and I dropped the phone. It was to me the worst possible news I could have ever heard. The only other time I felt this way was when my brother George, one of Jerry's best friends passed away. For Jerry this was a double whammy, as another of his good friends, Tal ,had lost his life not long before George died.I have been in this music business since I was 15 years old and have either played with or was good friends with a great many people. Many of them are the top stars of today from the Stones on down. As well, I have worked with some of the most legendary movers and shakers in this business. Some I see when we run into each other on tour or in some airport somewhere or where else, in LA--At the Rainbow. One of my good friends was Del Shannon. Del along with the Robbs (Cherokee) were my LA family in the 70's. Del was a lot like Jerry. He liked to have a lot of fun. I spent many days in the dunes drinking "crazy beer" with Del and the Robbs. I have never had so much fun as that time in my life. When I used to stay at Del's house he would come in and tuck me into bed. That's how my friends are. We all care about each other. I keep losing friends either to this lifestyle or to life itself, I just don't know anymore. I don't have all the answers like I used to when I was young, foolish and full of myself. Now I have all the questions, and I keep searching for the answers. The first question that comes to mind is"WHY"? If any of you have the answer to that question, please let me know because I keep coming up snake eyes. Instead of rushing headlong into the minefield in front of me like I used too, now I look where I place each footstep.Of all the friends I have known Jerry Mangalos was 10 feet tall above everybody else. Jerry was a giant among his friends and his peers. I am 6'3" tall and I looked up to Jerry from the day my brother and I met him. Jerry liked my brother George and I because he and I were not like all the musicians in Los Angeles. We wore cowboy boots, we spoke like Montanans, we shot guns whenever possible and we didn't really give a shit about the LA scene or lack thereof. That's why Jerry liked us, cause we were different. Jerry was different too. He wore cowboy boots, he shot guns, he loved to party, and he loved Grand Marnier', coffee and cigarettes. It took a year for Jerry to get to know us and give us his phone number and it was at least 6 more months before he invited us to his home. That's how private my friend was.On that day in March when he died, I lost the best friend I have in the world, but Jerry was not just exclusively my friend, he was OUR friend. And what a friend he was to us all. I sat through his funeral what part I didn't cry through, and listened to the warmth that poured out and the family stories that were shared about Jerry moving down from Canada with his brother and childhood friend Dave Forman. I think the funniest story told about Jerry was told by Dave Forman. Dave told about when he introduced Jerry to blue jeans. Jerry put them on and promptly ironed a crease in them and that's the way he wore them ever after. I know that we all have our Jerry stories that are dear to us and I hope that all of you will share those stories on this page. I hope that this page will turn into a living book about Jerry by those of us who knew and loved this wonderful man.I was lucky that I own 3 cabins and 28 acres in Montana right on the lake and I was lucky to have had Jerry up there on vacation several times. The last time being the best of all. There was just Jerry, me, and our friend Joe Wood, another musician. We went shooting, canoing, shooting, cooking more shooting and playing Texas Hold EM. We didn't have any poker chips, so we played for bullets. Isn't that just like three guys on a vacation--no schedules, no telephone ringing, and plenty of Whiskey, Grand Marnier', beer and food cooked by three good male cooks. Wake up in the morning and do it all over again. One day Jerry got into the canoe and took off paddling away and all of a sudden he tipped over and in slow motion I looked at my friend Joe and said "Oh no, Jerry can't swim!" So we rushed down to the lakeside and by the time we got there Jerry had found bottom and was walking the overturned canoe back to shore and we all breathed a collective sigh of relief. We all lived to fight another day.Jerry you will always be a part of my life. Save a good seat for me and Mickel Magliari next to you and George, maybe 10th row center for the next time we meet. Leave our names at the door and put in a good word for us and I will continue to run the good race and fight the good fight for both of you. Buenas Noches mis Amigos..until next time .....PS...Does this mean I get your table at the Rainbow now?I would have given anything to have been there on thaat day before in Los Angeles in March. Maybe I could have made a difference and things would have turned out differently. I know many people that would have done the same thing as me, however, you cannot unring the bell once you have rung it. The rest of us have to go on and never forget Jerry for a moment. We all have to share with each other to get through this time of grief. I spoke with Bob Mangalos today and he, like me is just trying to make sense of it all. I love you Jerry and I always will.In the next few days and weeks and months I will post some personal photos of our good times for all to share. Please feel free to comment and God Bless.!!!!!!GEORGE A. CROWE_______________________________________________________ ________..__________ _________________________THIS IS THE LINK FOR JERRYS MEMORIALat FOREVER NETWORK hive_ID=23910