Katherine profile picture


For yesterday I hold no apologies, For tomorrow I hold no answers, today is a gift and I will honor

About Me

I FINALLY finished my last classes as a college student at the University of Georgia, and I couldn't be happier! All I have to do now is student teach for 10 weeks and I'm home free.

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My Interests

Right now I want to relax and have fun this summer. Since my plans have changed recently, I'll be thinking of where I want to live and where I want to teach once my student teaching is over on November 2nd.

I'd like to meet:

"Bama girls are pretty, Vandy girls are smart, but it takes a GEORGIA girl to win a fella's heart. Florida girls are tan, LSU girls got flow, but when you want the best looking girl...GEORGIA's where to go. Auburn girls are wild, UT girls are fun, but a GEORGIA girl's a bulldog girl, come on they're number 1! Girls will be girls-north, south, east, & west, but GEORGIA bulldog girls will always rate the best. To any man who reads this & truly wants to know...If you have a GEORGIA girl, you should never let her go!"


Name: Katherine
Birthdate: 4-8-1985
Birthplace: Dublin, GA
Current Location: Vidalia, GA
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Light Brown
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 114
Piercings: 4
Tatoos: 0
Overused Phraze: "Hot Damn!" (spoken with a southern accent)

Food: Almost anything really!
Candy: Skittles
Number: 9
Color: pink
Animal: My puppy, cupid!
Drink: Tea
Alcohol Drink: Frozen Strawberry Margaritas!
Bagel: I don't really eat them.
Letter: A...I'm a student!

This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Coke, but I don't drink carbonated drinks anymore.
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Don't really eat either.
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: Iced tea, I have ice in everything!
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla, I don't eat chocolate!
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Neither!
Kiss or Hug: Both at the same time!
Dog or Cat: Dog, I love my Cupid. He was a present.
Rap or Punk: I like rap and country.
Summer or Winter: In the Winter I want Summer, but in the Summer I want Winter.
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny
Love or Money: Love

Bedtime: When I'm finished with my "To Do" list for the day.
Most Missed Memory: My Papa Berry and when my brother could walk.
First Thought Waking Up: Did I forget to do something on my "To Do" list last night?
Fears: Too many to name.
Heritage: hmm...
Longest relationship: 3 years.

Ever Drank: Of course.
Ever Smoked: Yuck.
Pot: No way!
Ever been Drunk: Absolutely!
Ever been beaten up: Nope.
Ever beaten someone up: I think that's trashy.
Ever Shoplifted: No need.
Ever Skinny Dipped: Not yet.
Ever Kissed someone of same sex: Not like that.
Number of Regrets in the Past: No idea.
What country do you want to Visit: I would love to go to Italy.
How do you want to Die: Natural causes in my sleep.
Been to the Mall Lately: Anyone who knows me knows this answer...of course!
Do you like Thunderstorms: Love them!
Get along with your Parents: Yes. My mom and I have a wonderful relationship. She's my best friend.
Health Freak: I used to be worse than I am now.
Do you think your Attractive: Well, I don't think I'm ugly, but I don't think I'm gorgeous either.
Believe in Yourself: Sometimes.
Want to go to College: I'm in college and about to graduate (hopefully with honors if this semester continues to go well)!
Do you Smoke: No.
Do you Drink: Yes.
Shower Daily: Yes.
Been in Love: Yes.
Do you Sing: Yes, but not very well.
Want to get Married: Yes
Do you want Children: Yes
Have your future kids names planned out: Lillie was one of my great grandmother's names. I want to use William for my Papa Berry.
Hate anyone: Don't think so.


I love war movies, comedies, and chick flicks.


I don't really have time to read right now, but I love children's books and romance novels! What a combination, huh?


My mama, she's the most wonderful and strongest person I know!