Jambalaya, meeting new people, tattoos, catching scared rabbits and skinnin' 'em alive, firefighters, cookin', givin' my all for my art, goin' to conventions, Pro Wrestling, WWE, ECW,
Anyone that be in the horror business, whether you work at a haunted house or just love the stuff to death! You be in the film business? ole Doc got a business card for you. You make me famous, then I can can my jambalaya and make me some money! I just love tattoos too! So you got great tats on you or do them, hey you good in my book! Good witches are welcome, you know who you are. ole Doc cut up the ones that make fun of you for sure! You a freak of nature, I don't judge you! We be good friends for sure! Hate those that judge us cuz we oooze blood from our noses, etc. You a good lookin' lady with long beautiful hair and a nice figure? We keep you in the house and tie you to the wall so all me guests can 'poke' some fun at ya! Hahahahahahahaha But most of all, you be a firefighter, paid or volly, then ole Doc put you at the head of the table and git you a big ole bowl of jambalaya to eat! You good ole boys be a brother to ole Doc. He remember when he used to respond at 2am to those dumb automatic alarms at the hospital! Hmmmph! Well that be the 'last' time a nurse burn toast! heheheh!
Besides the music that plays in my head, I like stuff by Tom Petty, KISS, Golden Earring, Deep Purple, AC/DC, Southern Rock, most stuff from the 70's.
Whatever takes ole Doc away from this pathetic world for a while. Sci-Fi/Fantasy, for sure.
Well FoodTV for sure cause ole Doc had to learn how to cook Jambalaya somewhere! Sci-Fi Channel, and that really scary channel with the 'politicians' CSPAN, man is that some gruesome stuff!
Cookbooks, what esle did ya think!
Justin Wilson, he do know how to cook a good gumbo!