We are the Micarriages of Justice Organisation (England) events team. MOJO is a human rights organisation, founded by Paddy Joe Hill in 1998 and now a registered Charity (2002). The Charity provides practical support to those affected by wrongful criminal conviction. The Charity operates nationally and has one central office based in Glasgow which controls all regional activities. However, MOJO England is West Midlands based. As a voluntary sector organisation, MOJO relies on the goodwill and passion of those who give their time freely to help people pursue justice through the Courts. In Scotland MOJO heads the OASIS Project. This project provides a one-to-one service helping miscarriage of justice victims adjust to life on the outside. The project is financially supported by the Scottish Government. So far we have had no such luck with the English Government! So we are in a battle to raise funds to help even more people fight for their rights. And that is what this is all about! Mojofest 2009 will be a fund raising mini-festival held in the West Midlands. We have had great success in our recent fund raiser in London, held at China Whites nightclub, which on top of vital funds also raised great awareness for our cause. This is the very beginning stage of the process but we will keep you updated every step of the way. So keep your eyes peeled for our blogs!!